13. Now I have to deal with his psycho-ex?

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Now I will have to deal with his psycho-exes too? This is not what I signed up for.

"DONT YOU FUCKING DARE TO TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD DO." she wailed out loud. "It should be you. Out of here. I am the one Dhiraj should be with. Not you. I was his girlfriend......"

Nakul cursed himself under his breath as the words of the woman in front of him kept echoing in his mind. Why is he dealing with this lady who in no way he is answerable to? And more importantly, how did she get in?

"I think there's some misunderstanding Ma'am. I am not Dhiraj's boyfriend. And more importantly, you are trespassing. Please leave or I will have to call the security." warned Nakul.

"You aren't his boyfriend?........When you are chilling at his home?.....in these clothes?" questioned Tanishqa with an arched eyebrow as she pointed out Nakul's laid-back attire.

"I am not. I'm more like.....his roommate..."

"Do you really think I'll believe that? Dhiraj isn't the type of person who would just let anyone into his personal space. It took me so long just to be able to visit his place...." She did make a valid point. Nakul was in fact an exception to the general rules for Dhiraj.

Nakul was at a loss for words. How can I make this drunk woman leave, was all he could think of. She was a celebrity. A beloved celebrity. He didn't even accidently want to get into a sticky situation involving her.

Finally he decided to go with, "I don't care if you believe me or not...." card. He continued, "....all I know is Dhiraj isn't here and You are a stranger, trespassing. Please leave."

Tanishqa was too drunk to understand what this third wheel in front of her was babbling. All she could fathom was that : she was the one Dhiraj should be with. The time they spent together, the laughs they shared, the experiments they participated in on her bed; she wasn't ready to let go of any of those. Needles poking right through her heart, was how she felt ever since Dhiraj left her. It was the 1st time, when she wanted someone so bad. But Dhiraj had vanished into the thin air without even a note.

In her mind, she wasn't trespassing, she was fighting. Fighting to win her man back from this 3rd wheel between them. So when Nakul told her to leave, that hurt her. She was so so mad at Dhiraj, but she was even more angry that Dhiraj had left him for someone else. That hurt her pride and that was exactly how she wanted Nakul to feel. She wanted to rile up the man in front of her. Without listening to what Nakul had to say, she had decided to drag this man down. Make him feel he's the outsider. The person who barged in her and Dhiraj's sweet haven. That HE was the cause of her ruins. And so she began,

"We were perfect. Everything was perfect. Then slowly we just didn't feel the zeal we had earlier...... I thought it's just a rut. A rough period that we will get out of. That's why I turned a blind eye even when Dhiraj went out with other people. I......" she choked on her words as tears streamed from her eyes. "I...I thought even if he slept around, he would eventually come back to me...so I waited....."

Seeing Tanishqa break down in front of him, Nakul's heart shrunk. The woman seemed genuinely torn apart because of her feelings. She was known to be a strong, resilient woman. Seeing her reduced to such a pitiful state, made Nakul feel worse for some reason. But there was nothing he could do to help her.

On one hand where Nakul couldn't help but feel empathetic towards her, Tanisqha in her drunken state had begun to pile up more and more spite for him. Without confirming what exactly the situation was, she jumped to conclusions.

"You know it well, right? That he won't stay with you for long." she started spitting out venomous words. "Everything is going well for you now. But what next? Dhiraj did not hesitate to throw out a person like me from his life. Do you think you stand a chance?" she let out a mocking grin.

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