46. Only love can hurt like this

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The glaring afternoon sun hit Dhiraj's eyes. It woke him up from his deep slumber. His head ached, his body felt weird and all he could wonder was: How did I end up here? The very last thing he remembered was chugging down bottles of whiskey one after another due to what had happened. He suddenly remembered what had happened the previous day. His body grew numb once again. But he should see his baby nevertheless right? We are a couple. And they love each other. So it was only natural to have some fights along the way. And with that logic, Dhiraj looked around for Nakul.

"Nakul!" He called out.

No reply.

"Baby?!" He called out once again.

Fuck! My head hurts. But he ignored that glaring pain as he got up to go to their bedroom. He entered and found no one. Now that irked him. Where is he? Suddenly he forgot all about that aching pain in his head. He grew anxious. Maybe he's in the bathroom.

He looked in the bathroom. Not a soul present there. His anxiety grew.

Maybe...He's in the other room. Yeah! We had a fight yesterday. Surely he must be mad at me so he must've slept there. He went to check the other room. It was empty too. Now the panic started to set in. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Where is he?

He searched all his rooms frantically. But Nakul was nowhere to be found. Fear started settling inside Dhiraj. He didn't- He didn't even want to think about his worst fear. No! He-He just might've gone out. Dhiraj tried so hard to keep himself calm with any and every possible explanation. But the fear won't stop inching closer.

So he tried calling Nakul. But maybe...just maybe....he got a confirmation to his hunch. Because what he heard from the other side was: The number that you are trying to reach is unreachable at the moment. Please try again later!~

Did he leave me?

His heart stopped beating for a second due to the fear that, that.....might be the reason why Nakul was missing.

No! I can't jump to conclusions.

His clothes! Let me check that. He ran to their closet and found some clothes of Nakul but........These are much less than he has. Where are the others? Soon he realized that many of Nakul's belongings were missing. That only led to one conclusion.

No! No! No! NO!! That's not possible......He can't do this.....He can't just....leave me like this. Tears started streaming down his eyes as reality started to settle in.

No....Why did he leave? Did...did something happen yesterday? I....I need to know what happened yesterday..... His mind kept trying to untangle the mess that was caused yesterday but his brain simply couldn't recall the events of last night. Anaya! That's right. I'll ask her. His trembling fingers found the number and hit the call icon.

After quite some time she picked up, but her voice sounded different.

"Anaya! I-I can't really recall anything that happened last night. I-I remember drinking with you...An-and then it's all black.....What happened? Did you bring me back home?" He kept shooting his question without a pause.

"Yes. I brought you back home." Anaya replied. But her voice seemed strangely calm.

"Oh! Thanks....But what happened after that? Did you meet Nakul? Did he say anything?"

"What happened last night?" Her tone was rhetorical. "What happened was that....that your boyfriend wanted to kill me yesterday."

Dhiraj could sense a hostile tone in her voice that he had never heard before. "What? No....That's not....haha..." Dhiraj laughed nervously, not wanting to consider the possibility of that claim being true.

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