Chapter 1: Plans, Plans, Plans.

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October 29, 5:48 pm
"-And could I get that to go?" The teenager asked you, as you took her order at the front counter. You stare at her and look down at her younger brother—who for some reason; is wearing a pumpkin head and suit. "Yep. That'll beee...10.57." You finally respond after a moment of silence. You watched as the sister stood there and finally realize that it was her time to take action. "Oh! Give me a second.." She responded as she started taking out her wallet. You all awkwardly stood there as she took out the money. You gracefully take and put away the money as you wait for Bob, your co-worker, to prepare their order. "Your order will be right out!" You finally decide to say so they wouldn't stand there like fools. You stared as they took a seat to wait for their order.

You take a second and decide to go to the grill portion of the restaurant and check what was taking so long. "Hey, Bob? What's takin' so long? The order is to go.." you say while trying to sound as nice as possible. So far, Bob is your closest friend and you don't want to be rude to him in any way. Even so, you can't help but have this weird feeling about him. This weird, creepy, and..- "Oh! Was it? I hadn't noticed, sorry y/n!" You jump slightly at the deep voice interrupting your thoughts. "O-oh! It's fine. I just thought I'd let you know." You respond to the black haired man smiling the most friendliest smile you could ever imagine. "Well, I'm already done! I just have to box them and give 'em to ya!" He responded to your blank, spaced out face. You patiently wait as he hands you the food and when he does, you immediately go over to the two siblings, impatiently waiting.

"Here you go! I'm so sorry for the wait." You say, while handing them their food at the same time. The sister says nothing while aggressively grabbing the food and leaving with her brother. You've been in this town for a few months and you still work at Boys and Grills with Bob Velseb. He seems nice but there's something eerie about him; something you can't quite put your finger on.. you try not to think much about but you can't help but stay up at night sometimes thinking about it. Somehow though, as if he could read your thoughts, Bob pops up right behind you. You can't help but jump a little, because it was a little too ironic. "Whoa! You good there? I didn't mean to scare ya..!" He says, immediately feeling bad and trying to comfort you. "It's fine! I was just lost in thought for a second." ... "Well I'm gonna head out! You can too if ya want, I doubt there's gonna be any customers around this time anymore." You stared at him, thinking about what he was saying. "Well I guess if you're telling me to, I probably should" you jokingly say while lightly elbowing him in the stomach. He stares at you directly in the eyes and you can see a slight sparkle in his eyes, while you do the same. You both realize what's going on and immediately look the other way while awkwardly laughing.

You both stand there for a few seconds when he finally decides to break the awkward silence, "Well- I'm, uh- gonna head out now..see you tomorrow y/n!" You hear the bells chime as he opens the door and walks out. You stand there and finally decide to leave. You grab the keys and lock up; while you slowly realize that you don't have a Halloween costume yet. Shoot! How could I have forgotten? I guess there's still time, I can head over to costume stores now. You get in your car and slowly drive to the nearest costume store without a care in the world. I wonder what Bob's up to~?
—————————Bob's pov————————
You stare at the wall while slowly listening to the meat sizzle on the grill. You think about candy, meat, and most importantly halloween. You know that you'll get both on Halloween and your mouth waters just at the thought of fresh human meat. But for some reason you can't get your mind off of one specific person. Y/n. You don't know why but in your head, you want them. You want to have a piece of them. Your mouth waters more than it was before when you're suddenly interrupted. You hear a voice call out to you.
"Hey, Bob? What's takin' so long? The order is to go.."
You listen to their voice and study it carefully. They don't sound mad but they're not quite happy either. Then you realize they're talking to you. You both talk for a little but you can't help but notice y/n looks shaken up. You can't help but drool, so you wipe it off before they noticed any movement. You look at them for a while before you remember why they're here. "Well, I'm already done! I just have to box them and give 'em to ya!" You watched y/n look up at you, slightly hopeful in a way, before you hand them the customers food. They walk away and you watch the customers grab the food and walk away without saying a word. It angers you, but why? Why do you care? It's not about you.

You look at the time and it's already 5:58 so you decide to call it a day. You head over to y/n to let them know you're gonna leave, but they're just standing there. Thinking. You think about what you should do and you decide you should talk to them to snap them out of their thoughts. You walk up to them and give them a slight tap on the shoulder, but for some reason, they flinched. "Whoa!" You said in a state of panic. I wasn't trying to scare them, what just happened.? They start talking to you like nothing and you tell them how you're gonna leave even if you close at 6:30, and tell them they should do the same. They make a quick joke which honestly, made you question their humor. But for a split second; you make eye contact with them. Hell, It's like you can already taste them.

You both realized what was happening and looked away immediately, awkwardly laughing. You decide to take off and walk home—about a 10 minute walk. .... You finally arrive and start planning. Tomorrow's the 30th and then Halloween. Even so, you want them to know what hit 'em. You want to leave a little clue. But what could you possibly do that'll be sure to grab their attention? Flowers? Devil plush? ..then it hits you. The newspaper. You could leave a copy of that newspaper on their front step, maybe with a little message included.
It's perfect. You thought to yourself.
You quickly shuffled through the drawer full of every magazine, newspaper, book, or just about anything you were mentioned in. Then you finally find the one you're looking for, the newspaper announcing that Red Devil had escaped.

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