Chapter 5: A game of Cat & Mouse.

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October 31st, 8:24pm
Your whole body freezes. You recognize that deep voice. It's the same voice of the man who just chased you into the woods. You sit there, hoping that he'll, for some reason, go away. But he doesn't, he won't leave you alone. You don't hear any footsteps, but you can hear ragged breathing. "Now, don't ignore me. Y'know I'm not going anywhere anytime soon~." You listen to his deep and raspy voice, not saying anything in return. You honestly have no clue, but you can probably assume he's getting annoyed. You decide to break the silence with a question that's been invading your head for quite some time: "What'd you do to Kevin.?" There's a pause that causes you to shift uncomfortably. The sudden silence was eerie. But it's the least of your worries. You wait for him to reply, and after what seems like years, he responds. "He's fine, he's just uh.. been busy. Hospital business and what not." Obviously, this wasn't the answer you wanted, but it was relieving to know he's alive. You both don't say anything for a while and he finally manages to break the silence. Not with words, but with his actions. He sent shivers down your spine once you heard the sound of metal scraping together. You had no choice, you knew that this was the last thing most victims heard due to leaked security tapes. You got up and grabbed your crowbar at the same time, wasting no time to spin around and whack him across the face. You heard him faintly hiss in pain but you were already running, deeper into the forest. You hadn't been this far before so you had no clue where you were or where you were going. You came across a shed that seemed like it was years old due to the fact there was rust all over it, but you had no time to be picky. You checked all over for any doors and found one in the back. At this point, you were praying that it'd be unlocked, and to your surprise, it was. You went and and quickly closed the door again, leaning a chair against the door handle so it couldn't be opened.

The shed is extremely dark inside and you can't see, unable to use your phone, you're forced to look around for a light source. You finally find a switch and turn it on and luckily for you, it was the light switch. You look around and the shed is full of power tools, most of them rusted. There's nothing much except for a window; which has wooden planks nailed to it, and a stained mattress, so you turn the lights back off and sit in the corner of the shed, just in case. You start thinking you should go to sleep to avoid making any noise, unfortunately for you, you hear a familiar voice. "Don't run from me now, Darlin'." His voice was the same, but more angered, then again, you did hit him with a crowbar. You quickly place both hands over your mouth in hopes of making less noise than you already were. His footsteps echo as he walks around the shed. You feel your eyes slowly tearing up, am I gonna die? You didn't even wanna think about what would happen if he found you. The door starts rattling and you freeze. You can't think, you can't speak, and the only thing you can do is cry. The door stops rattling and instead, you hear pounding. He's banging the sides of his fists against the door now. "OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!" Your eyes are basically like waterfalls now. He already knows you're in here so there's no point in trying hide it. "I-I.. I can't.." It wasn't the response you were looking for, but it was better than nothing. You were so quiet you weren't even sure if he heard you, but you got a clear answer. "Why not?~ I won't harm ya as much if you let me in..~" You were practically petrified, but you didn't have much of a choice. You slowly got up and headed towards the door—immediately getting second thoughts as soon as you placed your hands on the chair—wait a minute, what am I doing? Why am I giving a literal murderer access to harm me? You took your hands off the chair. No way. You're not that dumb. "I'm.. I'm not going to open that door for you." And then there's a silence. So quiet that you could hear his quiet, but ragged, breathing. "What. Did you say?" There's no doubt he's mad, but it's not like he can get in anyways. "Why are you so obsessed with killing me anyways?! JUST GET ANOTHER VICTIM!!" What have I even done to deserve this..? You can feel your arms crawling up to your chest, and eventually, you're hugging yourself while tears roll down your face. Your eyes are blurry, but with whatever vision you have left, you stare at the floor. For some reason, you can't look up. "You don't get it, do ya..? To me, Y/N, you're special." He knows your name..? What else does he know about you? "What do you mean special..?" But he doesn't answer. You stand there, waiting for anything to happen, but nothing. Did he finally leave? You sigh in relief. You wait a little longer for any sounds, but nothing happens. You're so glad he finally left you alone. You quietly start moving the chair out of the way and quickly open the door so it won't creak, considering it's rusted and old. You took a singular step out of the shed to give you a moment to look around for him. Did he actually just disappear..? It doesn't really matter, you confirmed he's gone and your bigger problem is finding your way back to the neighborhood you live in.

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