Chapter 2: Halloween is coming soon~

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——————————Y/n's pov————————–
October 30th, 7:00 am
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee-
groannn.. you woke up to your alarm going off and immediately hit the silence button. You don't wanna get up or go to work. You want to stay home and sleep or watch Tim Burton movies. You decide to get up after a few minutes and open your black curtains to let the sunshine into your room. You think about it and remember work starts at 8:00 am today. I could've stayed in bed?? Whatever. Youre already up. You start thinking about Halloween and start craving some candy. You think about where you can get some and remember the place down the street.. what was it called again? . . . "CANDY CLUB!!" you accidentally yell out; luckily you live alone. You get dressed and head over to candy club before work starts.

As soon as you enter the store, there's this feeling of joy in your stomach. The bright and sweet atmosphere seems to wipe away all stress you've ever had. "Hello, welcome to candy club!" A voice suddenly says. You look around and see a thin, black-haired boy standing at the front desk. You finally manage to chirp up a "Hello", before continuing on. You look around the store to see what they had, as you had never been there before. Before you know it, you're amazed at all the different varieties of candy they have. Every flavor of m&m's, skittles, push name it, they have it. You stare in thought for a long while before finally deciding to grab a few Blow Pops and Reese's. You walk over to the counter and see the worker from earlier talking to another employee. You read his name tag; Rick.. you stand there for a while waiting for them to finish their conversation and can't help but listen in a little. "-I swear everytime theyre here something happens!! They had me get stabbed once Rick!!!" And you just stare in shock. Immediately embarrassed you do a quick "ahem" and seem to get the workers' attention. Rick walks away and the other employee, Kevin, started counting your candy to give you your total. "$5.27." You quickly look at him and start digging through your wallet. "Couldnt way for halloween, huh?" Kevin asked. You look up at him while holding $6. "No I guess not, I just kinda started craving candy thinking about it, ya know?" You responded while handing him the money. "I know the feeling." He responded giving you your change. You give him a warm smile, grab your candy, and leave.
Its 7:33 so I still have time.
You decide to head home and eat some candy you bought, saving some for Bob. Now that you think about, what's he up to? You've never asked about his life outside work. Maybe I should ask to get to know him- but suddenly all your thoughts pause as you arrive at your doorstep, which has a news paper and a note. You pick up the newspaper and read it. "Red Devil.? How come I'm just now hearing about this if it happened months ago..? I didn't know this town had a killer on the loose.." You decide to pick up the note which is wrapped up in mail and is sealed with a devil wax design. You pause. You read the news more carefully and then look at the wax seal. You can feel your heart stop, so you grab the stuff and immediately run inside.

You place all the things in your hands onto the dining table, slowly pushing the candy bag to the edge so you can focus more on the other two items. "Who could've given this to me..? Why would they give me specifically the newspaper about Red Devil included with mail sealed with a Devil wax design..?" You finally choose to suck it up and open it.
"A note..?"
You carefully take the note out and study it. It's a haiku? You read it and feel your whole world shatter.
The note read: I love you so much
Halloween is coming soon
I'm coming for you~
What kinda sick joke is this? Why would someone give this to me.
You grab the envelope and notice there's still something inside. You peek inside's.. something in a teeny tiny ziploc bag. You quickly put on gloves just in case and take the bag out. .. please let those be animal bones..
—————————Bob's pov————————–
October 30, 7:30 am
. . .
Silence takes over the room. You haven't slept all night. You can't stop thinking about y/n. You want to get your hands on them as soon as possible, and you wonder if they got what you left for them. In a way, you're anxious. What if they went to the police and they're looking for you right this second? No, they're not that kind of person.

You sat on your bed thinking of the different possibilities of what's happening at this very second. The only thing you want, is to get close to them. To have them trust you. You decide you should head to work since you walk and you can't wait to see them. You can't wait to see their fear. So you decide to head to work. But you need to make a few stops first. Specifically candy club. It's still morning so there's not gonna be anyone there.
So you head out.
You finally arrive at candy club, which thankfully, is a few minutes away from Boys and Grills so you know you can get to work on time. "Hello welcome to can- im sorry sir, but aren't you a little too old to be trick or treating tomorrow?" An employee with black hair asks. You stare at him with a big wide smile knowing he can't recognize you in your Red Devil costume. You don't say anything and start looking around the store to see what you want. Kevin just stood there watching you, probably wishing you'd hurry up. You grab a handful of butterscotch candies and begin to walk out the door, "Hey!! You gotta pay for those candies!" You immediately pause and turn back. The employee presses a button under the counter and locks the door. Sigh. You just wanted to get out of here without hurting anyone..
. . .
You finally leave candy club with a bloody knife. You felt only slightly sorry for the employee because you were trying to be nice, but at the same time, more food~
You arrive at Boys & Grills with a black duffel bag and immediately walk into the bathroom to change. 7:57..Y/N should be here soon.. and almost as if on cue, the bells chime. It's Y/N with a shaken up look..

Sweetie~ ||Bob Velseb x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now