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Namjoon POV:

5 more minutes till class ends, then we'll be out of here..

I decided to read for the last 5 minutes while other students around me were packing up. My friend Min Yoongi was beside me scrolling on his phone carelessly.

I knew he wanted to leave just as much as I did. But Jin.. I wonder how he is feeling. The couple days he looked sad..Like someone hurt him. I'll have to ask him again..

"Yoongi, have you seen Jin these days?" I asked pulling my head up closing the book in my hand.

"Jin? Yeah, sometimes in the hallway. He gets pushed around a lot though but he looks as if he doesn't care.." Yoongi told me flipping his long black hair that came to his neck and his locks passed his eyes.

"Oh well..—." The sound of the bell rang loudly and the students were dismissed.

"I'll tell you when I get free time to, I'm seeing him today."

MINY- "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

I saw Yoongi get up right after and he waved to me as I got up with him. Now it was time to go meet Jin again.

Jin POV:

I walked down the street from the school and texted Namjoon. What did his house look like again? I don't remember.. My phone vibrated a couple times in my hand before I could read the message.

He texted me that he would be standing by a black gate that was near his house. The house was beige and it had a brown roof with slide doors, it looked traditional.

I texted him back right after with a okay and slipped the phone in my left pocket of my sweatpants. How close was I? I don't know..

I treaded in a slow pace down the streets and I glanced over behind me to see three guys standing around with a cigarette against their lips.

"Hey, come here little boy." One of the guys said.

Crap what now... just keep walking, I didn't hear them. And so I did. I thought everything would have been okay but a felt a tug come from behind my hoodie and I fell back nearly stumbling down on my feet.

I grunted in a low tone and turned to the guy who was holding my hoodie.

"You answer when I'm talking to you!" The boy said.

I stared at him with a blank reaction, I wasn't feeling scared or anything.. I don't think I was supposed to feel scared. I felt a hard fist fly across my right cheek as the other two watched and called me names. I knew I was going to have a bruise by the time I got home.

I was pushed around a couple more times before they left me alone. I felt the cigarette buts land on me after they left. I'm okay.. I'm okay.. I told myself over and over again. I took my phone out my pocket and called Namjoon.

Calm down...why are my hands shaking so much... The phone buzzed beside my ear and Namjoon immediately answered.

"Namjoon... I'll come to you... I-I'm hurting though.. just wait.."

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