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Leafy's P.O.V:

I go to sit at the spot Firey crashed the first time we met, it seems the contraption was taken as it's not there anymore shame really I could've used it to craft a shelter. I arrange some branches to make a campfire as I wait for Firey chances are this is the day he said he'd visit me I might as well wait for him at this particular spot. 

Leafy: Grr, come on! RAGGH!

*ring ring*

I keep struggling to get the fire going I throw the sticks in a fit, just then I hear a slight ringing sound, look out to the shore and I see Firey with a newer looking boat I take it that's the one he said he was gonna try to make. It stops and he jumps off to the purple land and approaches me.

Firey: Hey Leafy, how have you been while I was gone?

Leafy: Oh I'm just trying to make a fire. But it seems that every fallen branch in this tree forsaken place won't work with me!!

Firey: I can easily fix that. Got a stick?

I hand him one of the branches I threw and with just his hands the tip of the branch ignites, he then tosses it into the fireplace also making it ignite. I should've known, Firey is well fire. We both sit by the said camp fire, this time he seems to have brought two boxes filled with food he hands one to me and holds the other for him after we ate we talked.

Firey: So.. a friend of mine told me that winters here last for up to six months.

Leafy: Yeah.. they're long and hard, in fact I'm fairly sure there are only two seasons here; Warm and Frigid.

Firey: Yikes... (To think a city was ounce built somewhere here)

Leafy: Remember when you asked me how long I was here? Well, I've been surviving this place for almost my whole life...

Firey: WHAT? And you never thought to I don't know find civilization!?

I sit there quite for a moment before talking to him again...

Leafy: You're not exactly the first person I've met y'know. I've had my share of trust with some people... but all they've done was hurt me, I managed to escape them but wound up here as a result. Since I found out people live here I figured I'd just live my days here instead of getting help from others who're just as likely to hurt me more. 

I finally look back to Firey who appeared concerned and a little sad.

Firey: So that's why you were hesitant to come to the city with me.

Leafy: It's safer for me this way... I like to think...

Firey: Just what did those people even do to you?

Leafy: I uh rather not remember on that...

The look on Firey's face gets serious and he goes to his boat, going home I thought but nope, he comes back to me with a hatchet another box with some bizarre equipment. He passes me and tries to cut one of the dead trees with said hatchet. After a few tough swings it comes down, I suppose while the trees here are mostly dead they aren't petrified. 

Leafy: What are you doing?

Firey: Since you won't leave Yoyleland, I figured I might as well help make living here a little more bearable for you, Starting with a simple shelter. I could always use some help though.

I think for a moment and decide to help him with this shelter he's trying to make. I was difficult since I had no idea was some of these tools are but in the end we managed to finish a few of this shed's walls before Firey had to return to his home. Firey leaves me the hatchet and some of the tools and we say our farewells as he sails off.

Later on that night it starts to rain, we never got started on the roof so for now I just crawl under one of the yoyle berry bushes like I've usually had and tried to get some sleep.

Firey's P.O.V: 

I tie my boat to the docks and make a dash for home due to the coming rain however I was stopped by Lollipop.

Lollipop: And where pray tell have you been today?

Firey: I um... I was fishing?

Lollipop: Fishing...?

Firey: Yep, It's good for stress. You should try it.

Lollipop: I see. Forgive me for sounding a little... irrational, but how is fishing good for stress when it involves being out over the water in your case? Also where is your fishing rod if that was what you were doing?

Firey: Oh I hehe.. kinda found out that I forgot it when I was already far enough out to start casting. OUCH!

A little raindrop hits my head and I push her aside.

Firey: Sorry Lolli but for the sake of my life I really gotta go!

After arriving to my house (with a trash can lid as a shield), I lie on the couch and turn on the tv something without a late night adult program as I'm still a minor and anything but pervy. Wasn't that long before I started to fall asleep on the couch.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Oooh, did we just get a little glimpse into Leafy's past?)

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