Tip on a long time case

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Normal P.O.V:

Needle hangs out with Leafy and Firey at their house as she watches Firey Jr play with his toys.

Firey Jr: "Sir! The space dinosaurs are wiping the floor with us! What do we do?" "The only thing we can do. Call in the squishy airstrike.."

Firey Jr: *explosion noises*

Needle: *snicker* I gotta say, you two are doing a great job raising the little guy.

Firey: Oh it's nothing, even then Leafy's done a better job as a mother than I would a father. (Especially with putting him to sleep as a baby..)

Needle: Oh really? That tends to be rather difficult.

Leafy: Not really, I just softly sang him a little song. 

Needle: That makes sense, what song did you sing?

Leafy: It went something like this.. *ahem* You are my sunshine... my only sunshine... you make me happy, when skies are grey... you'll never know dear, how much I love you... please don't take my sunshine away...~

Needle: Aww, that's just beautiful. 

Leafy: I've known it my whole life, but the weird thing is I have no idea why.

*knock knock knock*

Firey: I'll get it.

Firey goes to the door and opens it to be met with a pink frosted donut in a police uniform.

Firey: Oh uh, Hi Officer. Can I help you?

Officer Dosen: Yes, is a girl named Leafy home? I would like to have a little chat with her.

Leafy: (oh dear..)

Firey: Oh yeah, what did she do?

Golf Ball: Nothing, he just wants to speak with her about something.

Firey: Golf Ball? Why're here with him???

Golf Ball: It'll all make sense soon, trust me.

Uncertain of everything Firey decides not to argue with the long arm of the law just yet and calls for his girlfriend. 

Firey: Hey Leafy, someone's at the door for you.

Leafy: Uuhhh, hello...

Officer Dosen: Mm-hm, this is the girl from your tip miss?

Golf Ball: Positive, I've done my research.

Leafy: Tip? I don't get what's going on, a-am I in trouble?

Officer Dosen: No, but please come with me to the Station and I'll explain everything.

Firey: Hang on, we're going with her as her friends.

Needle: Yeah.

Officer Dosen: Alright, hop in.

Later on in the Police Station within Mr. Dosen's office he pulls out from old files and places them on the desk for everyone to see.

Officer Dosen: About 13 years ago we've had a case of a missing child, Date of Birth; July 26th 2009, blood/sap type; O+, gender; female, age from disappearance 4 years. 

Needle: Oh that's terrible.

Officer Dosen: We searched for two whole years before having no choice but to assume the worst and put this case on the self as 'unsolved'. However, your little ball of a friend here had recently come to us about this case with a tip that the missing girl had come back to NYC, that being said we have reasons to believe you are that lost girl.

Leafy had a slight shock to her expression, could this be true?

Leafy: Me? How do you know this for sure?

Officer Dosen: Aside of 'current' age, you fit the description to a near T. However just to be certain we would like to take a blood test with you to see if the types match.

Needle and Firey both share a comforting smile to Leafy giving her reassurance. She agrees to the blood test and is given a quick shot for experts to study while the group wait.

Firey: If this works out, we just might find out how you were brought into that secret lab AND find your parents! Aren't you excited Leafy?

Leafy: Yeah it is a lot to think about, I really hope the results aren't negative.

Needle: Hey Golf Ball, mind if I ask. Why have told the police about her like this?

Golf Ball: With how I treated her months ago I wanted to make it up to Leafy for it by helping to find her family, I did hear about you not knowing them so I did some research only to come across the missing girl case and connecting the dots.

The officer and doctor called to study Leafy's sap then return.

Golf Ball:  Well, how'd it go?

Doctor: The results have come in, the types match perfectly. O+

Leafy: So I am the missing girl?!

The cop nods with a small smile.

Officer Dosen: It seems to be the case, I can bring you to see your family now if you'd like-


Officer Dosen: Alright, alright. if you don't mind I would like to hear what happened to you regarding your disappearance on our way there, well what you know at least.

Leafy: Huh-? Well um.. okay.. (I don't think I should mention Evy or how I had to kill people.. I'll just say everything else.)

Leafy: Well, as far as I can remember I was escorted by a strange man into a building far away in Yoyleland...

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Next chapter will be a finale, and it looks like it'll be a very emotional one.)

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