Forest of Evil

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Normal P.O.V:

Gelatin: Where do we even begin to find her though? We have no idea where she could've warped herself to!

Nickel: What do I look like Candle?

Golf Ball: I might be able to help with that.

Firey: Why would you want to help?

Golf Ball: There's a tracking implant put in her forearm, this device here can be used to locate her.

Pin: Interesting..

Pin attempts to take and check it out but Golf Ball was quick to jerk it away.

Golf Ball: But only me or TB are to use it, so you'll have to take us along with the rescue mission.

Firey: How do I know you won't hurt her.

Golf Ball: Do you see what she did to me already, I learned my lesson not to pick a fight of any kind with her.

Tennis Ball: What Golf Ball meant to say was that she's sorry for lashing out at Leafy.

Firey looks to Golf Ball and Tennis Ball for a moment and calms down, he's a believer of second chances and that's what he worked toward giving Leafy. 

Firey: *sigh* You're lucky my father raised a forgiving person when he did... But don't you dare take advantage of this!

Golf Ball: Wouldn't dream of it. Puffball, you know the drill.

Puffball: Okay dokay.~

Puffball enlarges herself once again and let's everyone climbs back onto her back, they then fly off in the direction Golf Ball points.

Tennis Ball: So what does the tracking device say Golf Ball?

Golf Ball: Just a minuet... Okay, according to the 'Leafy Detector' I just called it that, she is somewhere in...

Once the Leafy Detector pinpointed her location and reveals the area everyone is shocked and confused.

Everyone: EVIL FOREST!?

Needle: What would she be there for of all places?

Golf Ball: My theory is that she likely doesn't have full control of her teleporting ability, specifically where she'll end up. Never the less, The Evil Forest is not an ideal place for anyone.

Nickel: You don't have to tell us that...

Needle: Um Nickel, that story you told us last night about the Crimson Creature is not real... right?

Nickel: Pffft-! Of course not, it's just ruse people make up to scare others for fun.

Puffball: We're here!~

Puffball lands within Evil Forest and everyone but Nickel gets off.

Gelatin: Aren't you coming Nickel?

Nickel: And risk getting lost to a point of never seeing the sun again? No thank you. Puffball, would you take me home?

Puffball: What's the magic word?~

Nickel: Shazam.

Puffball: I'll settle for that... I'll be back.~

As Puffball and Nickel fly off Golf Ball points the Leafy Detector in different directions until it reacts with multiple beeps.

Golf Ball: This way.

Gelatin: I've known Firey since middle school but I've never seen him get that intense before, or.. at all for that matter.

Coiny: Don't worry about it, he's just worried for his girlfriend.~

Gelatin: Huh. Ooooooh....~

Firey: Who- Leafy? No, never, we're just friends!

Coiny: Friends who share a roof? Mm-hm...

Gelatin & Coiny: Leafy and Firey sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.~

Firey: Ugh, real mature guys... real mature.

Pin: Like you're one to talk about maturity. Can you two just knock that off? You might attract unwanted attention.

Gelatin: Chill out Pin, like Nickel said the Crimson Creature isn't real. This is only a bizarrely dark forest with every single tree looks the exact same meaning if we're not careful we could get lost and end up like... like that guy other there.

Everyone: AH-!

Almost everyone looked where Gelatin pointed to find nothing and back to him upset.

Gelatin: *snrrk* *laughs* oh I bet you were expecting to see a rotting skull or something weren't you? *laughs*

Pin slowly nods her head in disappointment when she and the others were stopped by Golf Ball and rapid beeping noises.

Golf Ball: Hear that? That means we're right on top of her!

Coiny: But she's nowhere to be seen.

Golf Ball: I'm well aware of that, I'm not blind!

She looks around and then down to see something small and picks it up for the others to look at, it a chip of sorts around the size of a fingernail covered in a slightly sticky yet clear substance.

Pin: Well that explains it...

Gelatin: Eww, what is that stuff?

Tennis Ball: Hmmm. I'd say it resembles phloem.

Coiny: What's phloem?

Tennis Ball: Sap, or in this case plant blood.

Golf Ball: She must've known about the device and clawed it out so she wouldn't be tracked.

Firey: But Leafy doesn't have claws!

Golf Ball: Regardless, this'll make finding her more difficult. Here.

Golf Ball gets out a couple of walkie talkies, tricks them out with the same function as the Leafy Detector and then hands them out to everyone.

Golf Ball: Split up into teams to cover more ground, we'll use this spot with the tracking implant as a place to meet back, if you see anything contact the others.

Everyone: Got it!

The group then went different ways but little did they notice that something was lurking in the shadows, watching them. It slowly leaves scratch marks on a tree as it sneaks toward the first team.

???: *Snnnarrrrllll*

~To be Continued~

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