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Firey's P.O.V:

Needle came over to see our unintended baby Firey Jr., it's been a few weeks since he was born and I still feel rather awkward about keeping him but I'll admit he's starting to grow on me. While she was playing with Junior I grab this book on fire physiology and read it, babies of my species are really different from others so me and Leafy are gonna need to know what to expect (other than accidental fires of course). 

Needle: Hehehe, where did I go?

Firey Jr: ????

Needle: ..... Boo.

Firey Jr: *laughs* 

Firey Jr covers his eyes just like Needle did and opens then trying to spook her like she did.

Firey Jr: ..... Bah!

Needle: oh-! Haha, you got me. Hehe... You little one here seems to pick things up rather quickly Firey.

Firey: Yeah I told 5 our biology that and he told me that baby fires grow and develop the usual milestones faster than other objects.

Needle: Like walking and speaking? Stuff like that?

Firey: Yep, remember when we met in kindergarten? 

Needle: Yeah.

Firey: I was born 3 months before that.

Needle: But... you were 5 when we first met...

Firey: Yeah, exactly. Of course the rate of growth and development slows to normal rate of other objects at the age of uh 5 or 7. 

Needle: Oh fascinating. 

Firey Jr: Na..

Firey and Needle: Hm?

Firey Jr: Na.. nr ned..

Firey: Oh shoot he's saying his first word!

I get my phone out to record this moment as me and Needle get closer to him. 

Firey: This is really exciting, what are trying to say Junior?

Firey Jr: Nea- Ne... Needy!

Firey: 8

Needle: .....

I slowly turn to look at Needle, she stood eerily silent and picked up Junior.

Firey: Uh.. N-Needle.. please remember he's only a baby... *chuckle*

Needle: Omg! Did you try to say my name? Am I "Needy"?

Fiery Jr: Needy, Needy! *laughs*

Needle: You're a really smart boy.

Firey: Wait.. you hate being called 'Needy'.


Firey: ow!

Needle: It's different with babies Firey, I'm not gonna slap a baby! What do you take me for?

Firey: oh... wait I just realized that was his first word.

Needle: Uh yeah, so..?

Firey: I just... I need to go and process this for a moment..

Normal P.O.V:

Needle and Firey Jr: Look at each other and peek into the other room Firey went into to find him sitting in the corner and even facing it.

Firey: It's fine, completely fine... I only burnt a life long piece of his mother and brought him into the world, I don't need to be his first word. It's fine...

Needle: Let's hope your mommy doesn't react the same way when she hears this...

Meanwhile Leafy, Pin and Bubble are shopping together at the supermarket, Bubble though brought another friend along.

Pin: Bubble should be here any moment now-

Leafy: There she is, hiya Bubble!

Bubble: Hi Leafy, hi Pin, I hope it's okay the I brought my friend Fanny with us.

Pin: Ehh.. why not, we're just looking for supplies for the school bake sale.

Leafy: Hello there Fanny, it's nice to finally meet you face to face.

Fanny: Not to me it isn't, I hate you.

Leafy: *gasp* Whatever makes you say such a rude thing? :(

Fanny: I don't need to explain myself, I just hate what I hate.

Leafy: Well that rude demeanor is not gonna stop me from being friendly!

She attempts to give Fanny a friendship hug only to be blown away by Fanny's... fan.

Fanny: Don't touch me!

Pin: Let's just get going before things escalate. 

Bubble: Yeah don't go starting fights already.

The four of them head inside and stroll through the baking isle, each of them with their own basket.

Leafy: Hmm I'm thinking of making a couple of strawberry cakes, what about you guys?

Pin: I'm going to make brownies for the bake sale. 

Bubble: Oh sounds delicious, the best I can make are some snickerdoodles.

Leafy: What are those?

Bubble: Snickerdoodles are soft chewy cookies decorated with cinnamon and have a vanilla sort of flavor.

Leafy: Ooh sounds tasty, I'll have to try them sometime.

Fanny: I hate baking.

Pin: You must be fun at sleepovers... 

Bubble: Anyway Leafy, I heard that you can teleport. Is that true? Because I think that's so cool!

Leafy: Thanks Bubble, and yes I can I just don't have full control of it. But Candle is helping me out with that. *beep* Huh? Oh Firey sent me a video.

Pin: What of?

Leafy: About our illogical son, he just said his first word!

Bubble: Ooh let me see too!

After seeing the short video of Junior saying "Needy" and Needle somehow being proud, she subtly puts it down and holds her head on a nearby shelf.

Pin: Are you sad that you're not his first word?

Leafy: I'm more sad that I missed his first word.

Pin: Hey, it happens. C'mon let's get back to our shopping, maybe he'll learn to say your name when you get back.

Leafy: Okay.

~To be Continued~

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