Club Ideals

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Normal P.O.V:

Firey heads over to class when he bumps into someone and falls on his rump.

Firey: Oof-!

He shakes his head and looks up immediately nervous on sight of who was now starring him down.

Firey: Oh Heeeeyyy Snowball. Hehe, been awhile we last spoke huh? What was that like first day of summer, dang time flies... heh..

Snowball: Oh I remember that day...

Firey: oooh.. Welp look at the time I gotta get to class- ack!

Before Firey could run off he gets grabbed by the collar from behind and thrown back in front of Snowball.

Snowball: You crashed my hang-glider in a barren land, do you remember what I said about if something like that happened...?

Firey: Uuh... I get off scott free?

Snowball: NO! You're going to pay!! That's right fork it over!

Firey gives Snowball some money while still somewhat scared, he counts the cash for a moment.

Snowball: Who do you think I am, some cheapskate? That wasn't a rental y'know it was brand new!

Firey: Sorry.

Snowball snatches the second stack of dollars from Firey.

Snowball: That's more like it! Next time you wanna do something stupid with my stuff, keep your weakling fears in mind.

Firey: Phew...

As Snowball walks away Firey gets up and wipes the non-existent sweat from his brow and continues onward to science class.

Time skip after class; Firey gathers his things and looks to talk to Leafy and finds her still at her desk with a clip board and a pencil to her chin. He decides to go check in on her.

Firey: Hey Leafy, what you up to?

Leafy: Hi Firey. I'm just figuring out some stuff for my new club.

Firey: You're making a club? That's awesome Leafy, I'm proud of you. So have you roped in some members yet? You're usually meant to have at least 7 or 8 to be called a club.

Leafy: *sigh* No,  I can't really find anyone who's likely to take my offer. See, I want my club to be for people who looks like they need a helping hand.

Firey: Hmm. Hey how about Woody?

Leafy: Who?

Firey: Over there, see the piece of balsa wood constantly shaking? That's Woody, if there's anyone for your club it's him. C'mon let's go say hi.

Firey and Leafy go over to greet Woody.

Firey: Hey Woody.

Woody: Waah!

Firey: Woah chill man, just saying hi and I want to introduce you to my uh friend Leafy.

Woody: Wha?

Leafy gives off an eager smile while waving to Woody.

Leafy: Hello Woody!



Woody: Ow. WHHHAAAA!!!

Woody suddenly screams and runs away frantically even running into a wall before finding his way out the door. Firey and Leafy both look in that direction slightly confused.

Firey: (well I'd be lying if I said I didn't expect that...)

Leafy: I don't get it, I gave a big smile and introduced myself. Why did he run?

Firey: Let me see that smile.

Leafy shows him the exact some 'grin' she did for Woody.

Firey: Ohh! That must've been why he reacted like that, Woody is afraid of sharp things.

Leafy immediately covers her mouth upon hearing that.

Leafy: Aww fluff, I knew this would be a problem! 

Firey: I've actually been wondering, why are you're teeth so sharp? Unless I missed something in Biology last year, that's not something plants are known for.

Leafy: I don't really know either but it might have something to do with how I had to feed off of yoyle berries for years of my life, but unlike being metal this effect seems permanent. I don't like them either...

Firey pats her shoulder to comfort her and shares a warm smile.

Firey: I think they look nice.

Leafy: Aw you're just saying that to cheer me up.

Firey: No I'm serious, especially after finally being properly cleaned you're smile is really pretty, and if no one else can see that then that's their fault for letting fear get to them.

Leafy: *laughs* Thanks Firey...

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: We're starting to get the BEEP train rolling! Then some point after that, things are about to get somewhat... serious)

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