Nice Recovery (Pt 1)

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Normal P.O.V: 

Cheesy: And then I said "That's not a rotten egg, that's my Mother!" 

Dime & Cheesy: Hahahaha!

Dime: That's a good one.

Puffball: EXCUSE ME!~

Dime & Cheesy: WOAH!

Puffball flies right over Cheesy and Dime's heads as she starts to put her feet to the ground and runs among the sidewalk.

Cheesy: Holy dairy! My horoscope was correct! "A giant civil puffball will leap over you with multiple people on their back in a hurry."

Dime: That's a horoscope?

Puffball finally stops right in front of Pin's house and lowers herself for everyone to get off before shrinking to her usual size.

Puffball: That was a fun adventure, but I have to go home now. Good luck reviving that feral leaf!~

Gelatin: Goodbye Puffball!

Pin and the group then head inside to her MRC.

Pin: Here it is, my MRC. (Master Recovery Center)

Needle: Wait where's that keypad you mentioned?

Pin opens up a slide revealing it, and starts typing.

Pin: Right here! Now let's hope this works, L.. A.. E.. F.. Y!


Pin: What!? How? Wait.. Oh! Hehe... I mistyped the E and the A wrong, My bad.

Needle, Coiny and Gelatin: |:T

Pin types the name Leafy correctly and upon pressing the button a faint blue light is seen circulating through the MRC's door for a few seconds until it opens releasing some steam and the now bright green Leafy starts to fall but Pin catches her.

Pin: Woah, that was close. But hey, it worked! And she not metal anymore.

Coiny: Why isn't she awake though?

Pin: Your guess is as good as mine.

She puts her head over the lemon leaf's chest to hear for a heartbeat or signs of breathing.

Pin: She's alive, I think she might still be unconscious from the tree falling on her.

Gelatin: What do we do then?

Pin carries Leafy to the couch and lays her down.

Pin: I suppose we wait for her to regain consciousness, and then we can talk things out with her.

Pin gets a spare blanket and pillow put on and under Leafy when Coiny interrupts her.

Coiny: Wait a moment!

He then starts to go through her 'clothing' and takes away a crazy amount of knives and puts them in a nearby crate.

Coiny: Can't have anyone armed when consulting peace with them.

Pin: Well, you guys can make yourselves comfortable, I'm going to check my phone for any calls from the hospital.

Pin then checks her answering machine only having 5 messages since she had left, from Balloony, Paintbrush, Her Mom, Tree and Lightbulb in that order, she deleted each one of them due to impatience.

Pin: Ugh, will that doctor ever call about Firey's condition? It's getting late, I might as well get started on dinner.

4 hours later. Pin had put the food in the oven and started the timer, she then heads back to the living room with the others to wait with them.

Pin: She still hasn't waken up yet?

Needle, Gelatin & Coiny: Nope.

Just then the leaf twitches a little and begins to awake.

Leafy: Mrrph... ugh... *tiny yawn*

Pin: Oh goodie you're finally awake.

Leafy: Huh!

Leafy quickly flips into a defensive stance while hiding behind the couch while the other stand up urgently. She reaches for her knives to realize she doesn't have any.

Coiny: Looking for these? Not so dangerous without your weapons now are ya?


Leafy attempts to lunge herself at Coiny but Needle grabs her before she could move and holds her over the floor as she struggles.

Needle: Chill out will you! we're friendly!

Leafy: *snarl*



Leafy grabs the first thing she could find (that being a broom) and backs away from them.

Gelatin: Hey, p-put the broom down!

Leafy: Stay back! I'm warning you!

Pin: Calm down, we're not hostile. we jus-

Leafy: You tried to disintegrate me!

Coiny: You tried to skewer us first! It's called self-defense y'know.

Pin: Well that... and we didn't know anything at the time. And besides, why would we go through the trouble of recovering you if wanted to hurt you?

Leafy: Y-you recovered me?

Gelatin: A dead tree fell on you, remember?

Leafy: Oh right, But how do I know I can REALLY trust you!?

Pin: Well I don't think Firey would approve of you attacking his friends now would he?

Leafy's expression changed drastically and she slightly lowers her weapon.

Leafy: You know Firey?

Gelatin: Yeah, he's our friend. You are his friend too right?

Needle: Any friend of Firey's is a friend of ours.

Pin: You see? We don't want any trouble, just drop the broom, you're perfectly safe here.

Leafy stays quiet for a moment reluctantly tosses the broom out of her hands.

Leafy: Ok, I'll trust you for now. Just where is here anyway?

Pin: You're in my house, now since we kinda got off a wrong start let's start over. I'm Pin, this is Coiny, that's Needle, and that is Gelatin.

Needle: It nice to meet you in a calmer way Leafy.

Leafy: You too I- huh?

Leafy shakes her hand with Needle but immediately notices that her hand was different, it wasn't metal. She felt around her body for a bit.

Leafy: Is there a reflective surface anywhere here?

Pin: Yeah, there's a mirror in the bathroom down the hall to the right.

She rushes over there, when the others check on her she's starring at her reflection feeling around her face a little.

Pin: Uhh, you ok Leafy?

Leafy: Uh y-yeah, I uh- It's just been so long since I've seen myself in this color I guess I'd nearly forgotten what I looked like.


Leafy: *long groan*

Pin: Famished aren't you? Don't worry, I've got a dinner prepared for everyone.


Pin: Sounds like it ready, you guys go over to the table and I'll dish it out.

Coiny: You're going to love Pin's cooking.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Well that almost became a disaster! XD Thank fully they managed to use Firey as a reason for them to be trusted.)

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