★彡( Ɇ₱ł₴ØĐɆ Ɇł₲Ⱨ₮ )彡★

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Sonic was standing in front of his closet, none of his clothes were fitting because of his eighteen weeks old pregnant stomach, pulls the light pink hoodie and some gray baggy sweat pants, this will have to do. The azure omega lets out a squeak when he was scooped off of his feet, he saw that he was Shadow, with a smile on his tan muzzle. The blue hedgehog felt nothing for Shadow's smile, but he fakes a smile...he found himself doing that a lot faking his feels, or blaming it on his hormones. The first trimester, was easiest to get through, just having to please Shadow's concerns. His bump had gotten bigger because of the growing two hoglets inside.

"Someone is excited..." Sonic said, faking his own emotions, he was lucky that no one noticed of the months.

"Of course I am, this week is the week I'm going to see how our little ones are doing~" Shadow purred. He just started to carry Sonic to the medical room.

"Hey wait...I'm not ev-"

"Don't worry about that, this is only an ultrasound" Shadow interrupted. He lays Sonic down on the bed, where Jennifer was already waiting, Sonic was about to say something to Shadow, before he shutters when the gel was applied to his abdomen. After a while of searching, the two hoglets, were seen on the black and white image.

"Seems like your doing great, Sonic, they are perfectly healthy" Jennifer said.

Shadow was holding Sonic's hand, on the screen the saw the first hoglet open and close their tiny hands, while the second one was squirming trying to get comfortable, in the forever growing small space, the idea of the two hoglets squirming in the womb trying to comfortable, made Sonic smile a little, he was going to feel bad not being able to see them grow up. But it was better than living not feeling happiness and the painful memories of his suffering.

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"Yeah...there, that's were it hurts..." Sonic mutters, Shadow was giving his pregnant husband's legs some gentle massages since he was feeling sore. The azure omega so fell silents, "Did you feel that?"

"Mhm, That was a small kick" Shadow purred he leans down to cuddle the other's stomach, planting a few kisses. "I can't wait to meet them~" he purrs.

"Yeah...met them..." Sonic repeated back.


The blue hedgehog had started to cry, not over the joy about the hoglets, but about how he just didn't feel the same way towards them, he loved them, he knows that much, just..didn't find joy in them.

He can't even remember the last time he felt happy. "I-I'm f-fine...j-just happy, like you are getting to feel our little hoglets kick" He lied.

Shadow nuzzles Sonic's cheek, he just held Sonic's in his arms, the azure omega was sobbing quietly into the ebony alpha's shoulder.

By nightfall Sonic was still awake, Shadow was already faster asleep his didn't mine the home doctor and nurse staying with them, he was just busy writing down his goodbye letter, for Shadow as well as a future letter for when the twins were older, and just wanted to know how he felt towards them, he wasn't blaming anyone, besides himself and the stupid ranking system.

"Sonic!" The blue hedgehog jumped when he saw Olivia standing in the doorway of the study. "What ar-" she stops when seeing the letters. She gasps.

"I'm trying...I've been trying for five years..." Sonic admits, "Nothing...I just didn't feel happy...only suffering, and misery"

"Then why continue with your pregnancy?" Olivia asked.

"Shadow deserves to be happy...he always wanted to be a Dad...but I knew I wouldn't be a good parent...cause of my stupid depression" Sonic admits, "I love them...and I know Shadow loves me...but every therapists we to...always say I'm a lost cause"

Olivia only looks away but nods, "This ranking system, for Mobians, arent really making anyone happy" she was about to leave, "But I know Shadow will fulfill your wishes" she said walking away.

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