★彡( Ɇ₱łⱠØ₲ɄɆ )彡★

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Shadow gets off of the phone with the police, Rouge came by to help Shadow take care of the twins, and give him support.

"Heroin Overdose..." Shadow repeated the words that the doctor's told him, since it was a suicide there really wasn't anything he could do nor the police, not that they seem to cared about his husband's death.

He picked up the letter that Sonic left for him, that he hadn't read yet, he took a deep breath and started to reading it.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Dear, Shadow

I'm sorry that I had you left like this, but you deserve so much better, than me...you deserve to be happy, just not with me, I've tried so hard to be happy, and I know you tried to make me happy, but this depression was killing me, and I just couldn't handle the painful memories, the nightmares, this stupid rank anymore. This isn't your fault, but the these stupid ranks. Maybe if I would have ran into your first then maybe things were be different. But you did teach me something, and that's love, I know I push you away a lot, but you always had the courage to come back, and comfort me. I know wasn't going to be happy when I saw our hoglets but I did feel love for them, I know I'm going be forgotten by everyone, Hell my damn parents didn't bother looking for me when I was out on the streets so I bought you a gift, so you could always remember me by. But my only wish, is that you give our hoglets a better that I didn't have, I don't want them to suffer the way I did. Just keep smiling for me...okay, I'm sorry I made you sad...but where ever I am...I hope to see you soon.

Your Husband,

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Shadow wipes the tears away from his eyes, he looks at box, it had his name on it, he puts the letter down and opening the box to see the golden locket with the words "Sonic's Heart" embedded into it, he opens it to see pictures of Sonic and another picture of him and Sonic.

"D-Damnit Hedgehog..." Shadow mutters to himself he just holds the locket close, "I...I promise I'll keep your wish...and I'm sorry, that you felt this way" He added as he putts the locket on around his neck.

Through the tears he smiles to himself, "I promise...My love."

☾☁ 𝝩𝝜𝝚 𝝚𝝢𝝙 ☾☼✫

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