Chapter 12

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The weight of your sunglasses was almost agonizing against the bridge of your nose as you leaned your head against the cool glass of the backseat window.

"Well," Hank huffed, "that was fun, let's do it again sometime."

You scoffed, "Yeah, right." You wished you'd never left your apartment. Visiting Elijah was a mistake.

Hank's eyes flicked to the rearview mirror, taking you in for a split second, "Y'alright, kid?"


Your answer was quick. Too quick, and Hank could tell. You winced, preparing for Hank's line of questioning.

He let out a sigh, and his gaze met yours for a split second, "What's his deal with you, anyway?"

You were less swift with your response this time.

"His deal is that he's a manchild who can't handle criticism," you crossed your arms, "He'd rather bring up the past and play mind games than stop a goddamn civil war."

"Speaking of the past," Hank cleared his throat, "what was all that about his brother?"

You turned to look out the window, taking in the snowy landscape that passed by in a blur. Connor hadn't said a word for the 20 minutes you'd been in the car.

"You can't tell anyone." Your request felt childish, but you knew Gavin wouldn't want you telling anyone his business, especially Hank.

"Jesus Christ," Hank lets out an exasperated laugh, "fine, I won't tell anyone."

You nodded, satisfied with his answer. "Gavin and Elijah are half-brothers," you sighed, "he doesn't like to talk about it. I met Gavin through him when I was working at Cyberlife and the rest is shitty history."

"Being an asshole must run in the family."

You threw your head back onto the headrest as you huffed out a laugh. It sure did. You swallowed thickly, your mind moving on to your next move. There has to be some connection, you just haven't seen it yet.

"What do we do now?" You whispered.

Hank's grip on the steering wheel tightened slightly, clearly grappling with the same dilemma. "We go back to the precinct and... figure it out."

"Good plan, Lieutenant," you scoffed although you didn't have a better plan.

Connor shifted in his seat and you sat up straighter, eager to hear what he had to say. You mostly just hoped that he didn't let Kamski's words bother him too much. "Actually, Lieutenant Anderson may have a point. There has to be something we missed in the evidence we've collected so far," he echoed your earlier thoughts. He said it like it was the most logical thing in the world.

"I hope you're right, Connor," you muttered as you leaned back in your seat.


You followed Hank into the bullpen, and Connor trailed silently behind you. Fowler barked out your and Hank's last names and you froze in your tracks.

"Shit," you uttered as you made your way to Fowler's office, Hank and Connor hot on your heels.

You all filed into Fowler's office, and you were sandwiched between Hank and Connor once again.

"I know how dedicated you all are to this case," Fowler began, sending a pointed glance in your direction and you looked away. His less abrasive tone didn't bode well for you. You winced, preparing for whatever bad news he had to deliver. Hank crossed his arms tightly over his chest. Connor shook his head slightly beside you, almost like he was waking up. Just in time for the end.

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