Chapter Eighteen

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I wasn't given any opportunity to dwell on my relationship with Yuri. Almost immediately after we'd made things "official", my life spiraled down into a long, chaotic spiral of business. It was as if the universe knew just how happy I was, and it was determined to make sure that I didn't get the chance to wallow in joy the same way I did in sadness.

They're imagining kissing Yuri again? Better make their parents give them a load of chores to do.

They're texting their new boyfriend and squealing like a maniac in their comfortable bed? Better make sure that happens right before they have to leave for their Taekwondo class!

Oh no! They're going to get a boyfriend eventually? Let's make sure it happens in a completely different country during the busiest time of their life!

That was what I'd begun to believe, anyway. It seemed like the world was perfectly content to let me sit for hours on end without interruption when I was upset or angry or feeling hopelessly alone. But then when I finally found something I wasn't dreading thinking about, something that might actually be nice to dwell on, discord came tramping into my life and assuring that I wouldn't be allowed to be content.

This week, that discord took the shape of one particular event that I'd been dreading: The tournament.

Even before I'd started disliking Taekwondo (a time that felt so distant, I was surprised I was able to remember it), tournaments had been the bane of my existence. Oftentimes, there would be hundreds of people attending each event; If the tournament ended after five hours, it was considered short. Usually, they lasted around seven hours and consisted mostly of sitting around and waiting for the end. I could start a thousand page novel and finish it in the same day, if I brought it to the event.

After becoming a black belt, tournaments had become even worse. Not only did my rank mean I was expected to help run the event - It also meant I was expected to win. Not just a second or third place medal, or even just first in each individual category. No, once I'd become a black belt, my parents, along with everybody else, wanted me to run for champion. I had yet to win the title, despite everybody's insistence that I should; It simply wasn't a goal I found appealing.

As it stood now, there was approximately one week before the next tournament, meaning I'd be lucky to get a spare moment to breathe. My free time, which had been scarce to begin with, decreased exponentially as the days went on until I eventually found myself contemplating breaking a limb again so I would get a moment of peace.

Unfortunately, Yuri strongly opposed this solution, so I had to force myself to push through the week without convenient injury.

As the days went by - painfully slowly, I add - Yuri became my one source of comfort. As I was practicing and haphazardly finishing homework assignments nearly nonstop, I rarely got time during the day to talk to Yuri; Instead, I spent valuable hours of my night tapping away on my phone, chatting eagerly with the boy who had gone so quickly from being the bane of my existence to the reason for it. Well... maybe it wasn't that serious, but with so much going on, Yuri felt like my lifeline. After every exhausting day, he was like a safe space. My parents didn't know about him. They couldn't touch our relationship, or scorn it, or try to turn it into a publicity stunt. It was safe.

There weren't many things in my life that were "safe", so I feel confident in saying that he really was my lifeline.


Facetiming "Yura <3"...

Ring... ring... ring again... goddammit Yuri, you're killing me... ring... ring...

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