Chapter 3- Origin of Service Pt. 2

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*Still 2 weeks earlier, after the party*

After the party ended and all the guests were gone, Ella invited you to stay for dinner. You accepted and helped prepare a nice steak meal for her family and yourself.  You took a seat next to Ella, with her stepsisters across the way as Lady Tremaine and Ella's father took their places at the heads of the table.

Dinner was going rather smoothly until Ella's father decided to share some news.

"I'm leaving tomorrow for another business trip."

Ella looked up from her plate immediately. "But you're hardly back from your last trip." she whined sadly.

"I'll only be away for three months. It'll be over before you know it."

That was the final word on that. In front of company, anyway. You finished your meal and graciously excuse yourself to go home so they could continue that conversation as a family.  You went to bed early so you could go back to Ella's tomorrow, since you promised you'd be there to see her father off for his trip, before you left after dinner.
*The following day*

You woke up at dawn so you could get ready to head to Ella's. You put on a casual yellow dress and some heels and head out.

Your carriage arrives just in time, as you see Ella and her family walking out the door

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Your carriage arrives just in time, as you see Ella and her family walking out the door. You walk up the pathway and stand next to Ella. Her father got into his carriage and yelled his goodbyes as it pulled away.  Ella ran alongside it as long as she could, holding her fathers hand until she had to let him go.

You stayed by the door, watching as your heart twinged with pity. After a moment, Ella came back up the walkway.

"You gonna be alright?" you questioned.

"It's like all his other trips. He'll be back." she assured herself.  "We should go inside. I think my stepmother wanted to speak with you."

"She does? About what?" you pondered curiously.

"I don't know. She wouldn't tell me. Come on."

You followed her into the sitting room where Tremaine sat on the couch. You mustered as much courage as you could and spoke.

"You wanted to see me, ma'am?"

"Indeed. With my husband being away for a while, things are going to be harder around here. I've already had to let go of some of our staff."

You nod slightly to show you were listening, but not interrupt.

She continues. "I'd like to have you on as a staff member. Nothing big; you'd just be making dinner and being a personal dresser for me. You would live here and you'll get to see Ella everyday. I know you two are friends after all."

You look over at Ella who has a look of both shock and excitement on her face.

"I- I can do that." you agreed. You didn't know if you were stupid or in love. Or both.

"Great. Now that it's settled, come with me."

You follow Tremaine to her bedroom, glancing around anxiously. She sits on her bed and places her feet up on a stool nearby.

"Unlace my shoes, take them off and place them in my closet."

You wasted no time obeying her orders and completed your task.

"Seem easy enough for you?" she questioned.

"Yes ma'am. This should be no problem."

She simply nodded and dismissed you. The next two weeks of work went by pretty smoothly, until Ella's father died.

Which takes us back to where we are now...

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