Chapter 11- Reclaiming Our Future

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*Back to Y/N's second person POV*
You open your eyes slowly the next morning, still exhausted from the tears and emotional turmoil of last night. It takes a while for you to come to your senses, but once you finally focus, you realize that you're still in your own house, still in your empty bed.

"Of course it wasn't a dream... I could never be so lucky." you murmur to yourself as you force yourself out of bed. You look at the clock and see that it is 9 am. You still feel infinitely tired, but you know that there's no point in trying to sleep now that you have awoken in these circumstances.

You go to your kitchen and start making a pot of coffee. The least you can do for yourself right now is to try and go about your day as normally as possible, but something always seems to put a damper on your plans.

As soon as you push the button on the coffee maker, there is a soft knock on your door.
"Who the fuck?" you sigh. "I don't want to talk to a single person today..." you mutter as you walk to the front door.

You open it to see Madonna standing there. Her hair is down and slightly disheveled, her makeup is still left over from yesterday, and she isn't wearing one of her fancy dresses. She is wearing her silk pajamas under her leopard robe.

"Madonna..." you say quietly. "What are you doing here?"

"Ella gave me your address." she says in an almost embarrassed tone, looking at the ground for a second.

"Of course she did." you sigh harshly. "Might as well come in, I just put on some coffee. I take it you haven't had your morning cup yet?" you ask as you look her up and down, taking in the sight.

She steps in slowly and graciously. "No, not yet."

You nod. "I can tell. You kinda look like shit." you say, half joking, half serious.

Madonna lets out a faint laugh. "Yeah, I know. I guess... I guess sleep just doesn't come easy without you." she says with a wavering voice. You can see that she's trying hard not to cry.

You don't say anything just yet as you make a cup of coffee for her and yourself. You invite her to sit on the couch by you and hand her one of the cups.

"I can understand that... my sleep wasn't the best last night either."

She just nods. She doesn't quite know what to say. You set your cup down on the side table and put a hand on hers. "What happened yesterday? I'm still pretty pissed at you, but I want to know what got into you..."

She lets out a tearful sigh. "My daughters said some hurtful things when I went to talk to them. I let it get to my head, and I shouldn't have... I never wanted to hurt you."

You nod. "I know... What exactly did they say?"

"They told me that I just seemed destined to be alone, and that it was gonna fall apart eventually... I've self sabotaged a few relationships since my first husband died. I made it work with Ella's father for my girls... but I don't want to ruin what we have. Please..." her voice cracks as she continues. "Please believe me when I say I didn't mean a word of what I said to you."

You can't help but instantly take her into your arms as her body shakes with soft sobs. You comb through her hair with your fingers.

"I know you didn't... I forgive you, but it will take me a while to forget it. I told you I would help you if you let me. But you have to let me."

She sniffles and nods into your shoulder. "I know... I will, I promise. I- I don't want to lose you."

You kiss the top of her head with all the tenderness you can muster. "And I don't want to lose you..." You pull away and wipe her tears away gently. "Why don't you stay here with me until tomorrow? A full day with just us and no one else?"

She gives a faint smile and nods. "I think I'd really like that."

You pull her closer and just allow her to rest on your chest a while. "Me too..."

Maybe this is the new beginning you both needed. And maybe, just maybe... what happened had to happen in order for the two of you to fight to reclaim your future together.

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