Chapter 10- Alone Again

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Warning: emotional abuse, abandonment issues, feelings of being unwanted. Same as last chapter. Just self insert things 🙃.
*Madonna's POV of the last 2 chapters occurrences*

I am awoken at 9 by Y/N's gentle kisses. My favorite way to wake up. She brought me some coffee and i immediately start drinking it, desperately needing the caffeine after she went to town on me the night before.  I thank her for the coffee, and she proceeds to tell me that my daughters had been in the kitchen when she was preparing it.

"What did they say?" I ask her with a concerned look. My daughters have never been the type to be very gracious to other pretty women. And I know that it is unfortunately my fault...

"Well, they basically said we shouldn't be together because I'm a woman and I'm much younger than you.  They also said... Nevermind. It's dumb..."  I hear the hesitation in her voice, but I want to know, so I try to urge her gently.

"Talk to me, please... What did they say?" I plead with her.

"They said that they've known you all their lives and they know how you are. They told me I shouldn't be surprised when it backfires one day..."  I hear her voice crack and something inside me gets set off. I know I should just brush it off as banter from my daughters, but after I have been left alone so many times, I feel the need to do something about it.

I stand and exit our room, heading straight for the room my daughters share. I open their door, stepping inside and slamming it behind me.

"What is the matter with you two?  Can't I be happy for even a moment before something ruins it?"  I seethe with malice as I look at the shocked faces of my two girls.

"We were just telling her the truth" Anastasia starts. "It's like we're destined for failure, especially you. First dad, then Ella's father. It's like you're just cursed to be alone. What makes her any different?"

I am mildly stunned to hear Anastasia speak to me in this way, although it's not too surprising. She's always been the more headstrong of my daughters, and I'm the one who raised them to be this way.

"She's different because she actually cares. She won't just up and leave. The other two died, okay? They didn't have a choice. She's young, and she's healthy, and she's kind."

I don't even realize how loud my voice had gotten during all of this.  I just hope Y/N can't hear exactly what's being spoken.

Drizella is the next to speak.  "Kind, mother?  You know that you and kindness don't mix. Just look at you with Ella when we first arrived here. You know how it's going to go. We all do."

I don't even have the strength to say anything else. I just leave the room and try to calm down as I head back to my room to Y/N.  I go in and see her sitting on our bed waiting. We spend the rest of the day cuddling in bed, enjoying the silence in each others company.  Or at least, I tried to enjoy it. But my daughters were right, weren't they?  I may still look beautiful, but I'm obviously past my prime. How would this ever work?  My thoughts are racing at a million miles an hour and I can't help but think that maybe, just maybe, Y/N believed what my daughters had told her too.

We finish dinner with the family and head back to our room. We kept it light and airy, but the thoughts never left my mind.   Y/N tries to hold me and talk to me, but I push away all of her advances.  Why would I want to get even more attached than I already am when I just know what's bound to happen. 

Eventually, I just couldn't hold it in anymore.

"You believed them, didn't you?  My daughters. You believed them when they told you our relationship wouldn't work out."

The demons I tried to hide had clawed their way up to the surface, not being able to be contained by a mere feeling like "love".

She tries to argue her case, and as much as I want to listen and fall into her arms, I remain with a blank, resentful look on my face. I have to stay strong and just help the inevitable happen.

"Don't you understand? I don't want you anymore!"  I almost break as I say that to her. I know how much these words will tear her up, but maybe it's all for the best.  I don't want her to leave and I hope against all odds that she'll realize something is amiss and hold me tightly like she used to. But she doesn't.  She flees from the room and I hear the front door slam as she makes her way out into the rain. 

I finally break, gasping for breath as my tears flow freely.  I sink into my bed, leaning onto the side that was hers, taking in her vanilla scent as I close my eyes and will myself to be strong.  The age old cycle has repeated itself, and I come to find myself alone again...

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