Chapter 13- Will You Be My Date?

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A/N: meant to write this earlier, but I was kinda in the ER a couple days ago, so it may also be a little shorter than usual but I hope y'all like it! 💚
As the two of you sit outside looking at the stars, you can feel Madonna starting to shiver against you; the weather finally having a chilly aspect to it the last couple weeks.  You hold her even closer with your arm, gently stroking her shoulder.

"It's getting a little cold out. Why don't we head back in and just relax and get warm in bed?" you suggest.

She nods and smiles at you warmly. "I'd love to get warm. This fabric isn't exactly the best for staying cozy." she jokes, motioning to her leopard robe, which is more for style than warmth.

You laugh quietly and take her hand, leading her back inside.  You climb into your bed and hold open the covers for Madonna. She practically leaps into the bed and nuzzles into you as you wrap the blankets around the both of you. You hold her tight as she finally stops shivering.

She looks up at you, a tender look on her face. "I really am sorry about yesterday... I never should have-"

"It's okay." you cut her off. "I know you are.  You already apologized, love. And I've already forgiven you. We had a good day today, and you don't need to beat yourself up over it anymore. I promise, we'll be alright." you kiss her forehead tenderly as you stroke her hair in an attempt to calm her mind.

She nods into your chest. "Thank you... you've been nothing but understanding and patient with me. I appreciate it more than you know."

You smile softly and stroke her back. "I care about you, and I want you to be comfortable in this relationship too."  You kiss her on the lips now, soft and sweet, a welcome change from what happened yesterday.  "Now, get some sleep before we have to go back and deal with your household again." you chuckle softly as you nuzzle up and prepare to get some sleep yourself.

When the two of you awake the next morning, the sun had barely begun to shine through the window. You look over at her with a tender smile, kissing her cheek.

"Good morning."

"What time is it?" she groans.

"Early as fuck." you laugh. "Come on, I'll make ya some coffee."

You get out of bed and go to the kitchen, starting on the coffee. She follows after you a couple minutes later, sitting at the table.

"Do we really have to go back to my house today? I feel like I just want to forget everything and stay here forever. With you." she looks at you tiredly.

You sigh and bring her a cup, sitting next to her.
"You know that can't be an option right now, as much as I would love that too. I don't think we should leave your daughters alone for very long, especially not with Ella.  Besides, I'd much rather stay at your place with you, even if it's with them. It's grander than my place for sure."

She smiles softly. "Why do you still have the house if you moved in with me already anyway?"

You look down and fidget with your nightgown. "My mom left it to me when she died a few years ago, and I've never been able to even think about selling it. So, I kept it and lived here until I started living with you. Since it's rarely used anymore, the utilities aren't too bad to pay off, just a monthly charge. And hey, apparently it works as an escape when I need one."

She gives you a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry... I can understand that. It must be hard to consider parting with it." she sips her coffee. "I appreciate that you want to stay with me instead of here then, given those circumstances."

You just smile and nod, wanting to get off the topic. "Well, shall we head out then?"
You both head out of your house, and you lock the door behind you. You decide to take the path through town, and have a leisurely walk back to her place.  While walking in town, you come across a sign on a tall post. Madonna goes over to look at it with you.

"There's going to be a ball at the palace! Hopefully I can get my daughters paired off with some lords and they can get out of both our hair..." she says, semi jokingly.

You look at her gently, almost pleading for the question you want her to ask. Finally, she does.

"Y/N... will you be my date?" she says, a little blush racing across her face.

You smile and nod vigorously. "Of course I will. Come on, let's go tell all the girls and figure out what we'll wear."

The two of you walk hand in hand back to her home, finally not caring who sees. You can't wait until the night of the ball and the wonders it could possibly bring.

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