Chapter 8- The Way She Works

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You wake up to find Madonna still sleeping soundly beside you. To avoid waking her up, you slide out of bed and tiptoe narrowly to the door, silently opening it and closing it before heading to the kitchen to make some coffee. You are hoping for a quiet morning, but of course, that is never the case in this household.

Anastasia and Drizella are both sitting at the kitchen table as you walk in. You can barely even grab a cup out of the cabinet before they approach you.

"So, Ella tells us you're dating our mother." Anastasia begins.

The girl's attitudes have seemingly changed a little recently as well. They haven't been as cruel to Ella as they were before, ever since they saw their mother treat her better. Still, you can tell that this isn't going to be a fun discussion.

"That would be correct." you say nonchalantly as you start the pot of coffee.

"But you're a woman." Drizella states with a touch of disdain in her voice.

"Nevermind that she's a woman. She's only a couple years older than us." Anastasia retorts, looking at you with contempt.

You grab your cup of coffee and have to refrain from just tossing the scalding liquid on the both of them. You take a sip and pray that even the smallest amount will give you the strength to handle this.

"I may be 'only a couple years older than you', but I am still an adult. As is your mother, obviously. It was a mutual decision, and she needed me. I make no apologies for trying to give her what she deserves. If anything, the both of you should be happy for her."

"Just remember, we've known her our whole lives. We know how she works. Don't be surprised when this all backfires on you." Anastasia replies with a sneer, nudging Drizella to wordlessly tell her to leave it alone. They walk back to their room and leave you in the kitchen.

You roll your eyes and pour Madonna a cup of coffee and take it into the room. She's still asleep when you walk in, so you set the cups on the nightstand and climb into bed quietly beside her. You wrap an arm around her and start to wake her up with gentle kisses on her forehead and cheek.

"Mmh.." she mutters tiredly as she begins to stir. She opens her eyes and looks up at you, her eyes focusing as she comes into consciousness. She smiles at you warmly and nuzzles into your neck. "What time is it...?"

"9 o'clock. I brought you some coffee." you reply, pointing to the cup on the nightstand. Madonna instantly takes the cup and starts sipping her coffee.

"Thank you. You know how much I need coffee in the morning."

"You better appreciate this cup. It was a mild hassle to get it." you joke.

She furrows her brow curiously.  "What do you mean? Did you burn yourself or something?" she teases with a chuckle.

"Not exactly. Your daughters were in the kitchen when I went in there. They aren't particularly thrilled at the fact that we're together."

She sets the cup down and looks at you. "What did they say?" 

"Well, they basically said we shouldn't be together because I'm a woman, and because I'm much younger than you."  You look at her and hesitate about telling her the next part.  "They also said... Nevermind. It's dumb..." you trail off.

"Talk to me, please... What did they say?" she pleads.

You sigh. "They said that they've known you all their lives and they know how you are. They told me I shouldn't be surprised when it backfires one day..." you say, your voice cracking a little.

Madonna has an angry look in her eyes. She squeezes your hand gently before she stands up and heads out of the room. A couple moments later, you can hear her yelling at her daughters in the other room. You can't quite make out what she's saying, but maybe it's for the best.

Another couple of minutes go by and Madonna comes back into the room, seemingly calmer than when she left. It does frighten you a little how she can switch up so easily, but she's never been harsh with you.

She would never be... right?

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