Chapter 12- Mending Wounds

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A/N: Changed my name on here cuz at this point, it just seems fitting 🤣.  Also, I am literally the worst at conclusions (this is NOT the end, just lyk) so this could literally go on forever. Anywho, back to your regularly scheduled programming 🤣

You spent most of the day with Madonna in your arms. It mainly consisted of her still crying and profusely apologizing every so often, but you consoled her and let her know that you both will be okay every time. What she did had hurt you, sure, but you know that there's way more hurt in her than anyone ever deserves to feel. You don't know just how long it will take for her to feel secure in the relationship, but you do know that you will be patient with her.

Dinner time comes and goes, and while you both would normally head to bed for some nighttime cuddles, you have something else in mind.

You walk up behind her and give her shoulders a gentle squeeze. "I want to show you something."

She leans back into your arms as you envelop her. "What is it?"

"Come with me." you release her gently and take her hand, leading her to your back door.  You open the door and walk out into the backyard. Madonna had never been to your house until now, so you want to make tonight special. You lead her to your porch swing and have her sit while you walk to the side of the house, flipping a switch that illuminates the porch with white fairy lights above your heads.

Madonna lets out a relaxed sigh for the first time tonight and your heart swells at the sound.

"It's beautiful." she states calmly as you take your seat next to her on the swing.

You just smile softly and lean back on the swing, putting your arm around her and letting her rest her head on your shoulder.

"I figured you'd like it. It's peaceful. No noise, certainly no yelling or worrying..." you look at her face as it falls at your last words.  "We could sit out here for a while and just relax.  Maybe watch the sunset, even." you suggest.

She smiles again and you feel instant relief.  "I'd love to just sit out here a while with you. You're right about it being peaceful. I wish it were that way at my house, but..." you hear her swallow hard and know that she's holding back tears. "It's my fault it's not peaceful there." she finishes.

Before you even get the chance to ask her to elaborate, she continues.

"Ella and I have a mutual understanding now, which I'm thankful for. But my daughters... I was never really hard on them, exactly, but after their father died and my walls came up, I instilled the same feelings in them that I had. I just didn't plan on it turning against me." 

She takes in a shaky breath, and you feel your sleeve slowly becoming damp with her tears.  You instinctively start stroking her hair and holding her closer.

"Old habits die hard, Madonna. You know that as well as anyone, especially right now. They were younger when that happened and they were impressionable, but they're adults now."  You pause as you try to think of what else to say.

"Sure, they're very new to being adults, but it is still a hard thing to unlearn. Maybe once we work on us some more, and you become more comfortable, they'll ease up..." you finish, hoping that you said the right thing. You've never been great at this sort of stuff, but for her, you'll try your best.

She nods against your shoulder, her warm breath tickling your neck as she speaks.

"I hope so. I don't want them to be like me the rest of their lives..."

You unfortunately don't know what to say to that, so you just continue to hold her until she's ready to speak again.  There is a long pause before she finally looks up at you.

"You said 'us' a second ago. So we are still...?" she doesn't finish, but you know what she means. New tears threaten to fall from her eyes, as she can't stand the thought of not being with you.

You feel your heart twinge with sympathy as you cup her cheek gently. "Of course we are. I let you in today for a reason. I wouldn't let you go over one silly fight. You're too important to me."

You lean in and your lips capture hers in a delicate kiss in your best attempt to prove to her just how worthy of this love she really is. 

Once you pull away, the two of you look to the night sky just as a shooting star streaks across in a fiery arch.

"What did you wish for?" you whisper to her in the silence.

Madonna chuckles softly. "I can't tell you, or it won't come true."

"That's okay." you say as you nuzzle up on her chest. "I think I already know."

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