Chapter 12 Bowling

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A/N: Hehehe... I finally wrote another chapter! I hope you all like it :)

Tonight, I'm going with Malcolm and Reese, and some other people from school, to the bowling alley. It's like four other boys and six girls. I wasn't close with any of these people, but I wasn't about to turn down an invitation to hang out.

After getting ready at my house, I climbed into the boy's room and saw them getting ready in the bathroom together. Reese was putting on cologne, while Malcolm was fixing his shirt.

"Wow... very fancy! You realize we're just going bowling right?" I jokingly asked Reese, as he continued to dab the fragrance onto his neck.

"Shut up, Toni! Beth Ballard is going to be there," Reese replied.

"Who's she?"

Malcolm turned toward me, his face shaded in shock. "How do you not know her? She's gorgeous," Malcolm exclaimed. Okay... as if I would know that.

"Whatever... I was just asking what grade or class she's in..."

The small voice of Dewey could be heard from the kitchen. He asked, "Why can't I go bowling?"

"Because you are spending the night in your room. You are being punished. And tomorrow you are going to the store and buying Mrs. McNabb a new parakeet!" Lois shouted.

The boys were finally done getting ready, and we walked into the kitchen.

"We're ready. Who's going to drive us?" Malcolm asked.

"I'll do it," Hal replied.

On the way to the bowling alley, I sat in the back of the car next to Reese. I couldn't stop thinking about the other night when he touched my hand. The memory haunted my dreams at night.

"Oh, you guys are going to have so much fun. Bowling strikes, picking up spares, and when you boys are getting ready to roll, the girls will be in back of you, checking out the old hinder," Hal spoke up. I... Is this really how men think?

"Do I smell cologne? Very sophisticated," Hal continued.

"Very," I mocked Reese, causing him to punch me in the arm.

"Is this Irving Street?" Hal asked himself. "I've never seen that church before... Let's see, we were supposed to take the second left after we went over the bridge, and then... Oh, geez, how's anybody supposed to find this place?"

I feel like if Lois took us, there would be a different atmosphere in the car.

After finally finding and arriving at the bowling alley, we walked into the neon-lite building.

"Haha! See? Told you we'd find it!" Hal cheered as we walked towards the counter to get shoes. Apparently, Hal stole some of Lois's money and offered to pay for mine as well.

Once we got our shoes, we walked toward the lanes that our classmates had gotten. I was kinda nervous since I didn't know anyone. I was just hoping that the boys wouldn't ditch me.

"Hey, check it out. There's Beth Ballard," Malcolm whispered to his brother. They were looking at this tall, blonde girl sitting by herself. She wore a striped sweater jacket and jeans, and her lips looked greasy with gloss. She minded her own business as she sipped on her soda.

"Yeah. I hear she's why Mr. Thomas got fired," Reese replied to Malcolm.

"Wait, why? What happened?" I asked, but before either of them could answer, Hal came up behind us.
"Okay, I'll see you in a couple of hours." He patted his sons on the back and left to go get his own lane.
"Did you see that? She smiled at me," Malcolm spoke up, noticing that Beth was now looking in our direction.

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