Chapter 4 Shame

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My siblings and I joined the Wilkerson's for a night of honor and remembrance of Jumpy the Ninth. We all bowed our heads in respect as Malcolm spoke for Dewey's beloved pet.

"We're gathered here today to say goodbye to Jumpy Number Eight-"

"Nine," Dewey corrected.

"Nine. He was a good- Nine? Are you sure?"

"Mhm," Dewey nodded.

"Anyways, he was a very good frog and he led a very full life."

"I remember when I stuck him in Mom's sun visor and she almost hit that lady in the crosswalk," Reese whispered to me.

"That was hilarious," I giggled back.

"Farewell, Jumpy Number Nine," Malcolm concluded, "We know you're going to a better place." Malcolm set Jumpy, who was tied to a firework, on the ground. Hal sat reading a newspaper and waited for the final send off.

"Bye, Jumpy," Dewey said, sadly.

"Dad," Malcolm nudged his father. Hal lit the rocket and Jumpy was so flying up into the air. He exploded and we all watched with amazement.

"May he rest in pieces," Reese stated.

"Amen," everyone said before we dispersed and went home.

"Do you love me?

Do you love me?

Now, do you love me?

Do you love me, now that I can dance?

Watch me, now

Work, work

Ah, work it out baby

Work, work"

"Antonia! Lower that and get your ass out here to eat breakfast!" my mother yelled from the kitchen. I was getting ready for school. That morning, I just so happened to be listening to the radio at the same time and dancing around my room like an idiot, trying to squeeze myself into my jeans. After putting two burettes in my hair, I danced out into the hall, still singing the song I had shut off not too long ago. I made my way to the kitchen and sat down at the table. I saw that my mother had made me eggs just the way I like them - scrambled but a little overdone - and bacon. I sat down in between Jordan and Teenie.

"So, are you excited about the talent show coming up?" my mother asked with a smile on her face. I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, for the last time, it's not a talent show. It's just a family picnic for the Krelboynes," I sassed.

"Yes, but you should be thanking me for talking to that Ms. Miller and getting you and your friends this opportunity," she yelled.

"Yeah, an opportunity to embarrass yourself," Jordan whispered, chuckling. I punched him in the shoulder.

"Ugh, thanks mom," I finally gave up, when I finished my breakfast. I sat up from my seat and left before she was able to scold me anymore.

I walked back into my bedroom, grabbing my backpack and accordion case - which weighed a million pounds - and I left out the front door. I was running later than usual today, so I met Reese, Malcolm, and Dewey at the sidewalk.

"Come on, Toni! Hurry up!" Reese complained.

"Take a chill pill!" I yelled back, catching up to them slowly.

"Um, where are you going with that thing?" Malcolm asked.

"I'm taking my accordion to school today since my friends and I convinced Ms. Miller to let us rehearse in her classroom during lunch and recess."

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