Chapter 7 Cheerleader

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A couple of crazy weeks had passed by since the Krelboyne picnic and I was undoubtedly loving my life. Reese and I spent almost every day hanging out and the best part was that Malcolm was around too. He seemed okay with us getting along (well... getting along as much as we could).

Last weekend, the Wilkersons dragged me to a funeral and Reese had to stand in the corner the whole service. There was this little boy there too - I think he was Dewey's friend - but I never really picked up on his name. Although, I did hear the word "Egg" a lot. I don't know what that had to do with anything going on that day. He was adorable though.

However, on this random Monday morning, I was not expecting to see what I saw with my own two eyes.

I woke up and got ready like any other day. Around 8:00 am, I was hoisting myself up into Malcolm and Reese's room. I was expecting to see a sleeping Reese and a half-awake Malcolm, but I only saw one of those things. Malcolm had just got up out of bed and he greeted me.

"Hey, Toni," he puffed out.

"Good morning."

Malcolm rubbed his tired eyes trying to get them to adjust to the morning sunlight pulsing its beams through the window. Malcolm dragged his feet towards the bathroom door and opened it. He stood in the doorway as his eyes bounced from wall to wall. They widened when they saw the weirdest thing. Reese standing in front of the mirror fixing his hair up, wearing a button-up shirt.

I peaked over Malcolm's shoulder to see the sharp-looking boy. My jaw dropped.

"What did you do?" Malcolm asked confused.

"Nothing," Reese replied tiredly.

"You look different," Malcolm proclaimed. As if that wasn't obvious!

"I took a shower," Reese stated in his know-it-all tone.

"I knew it!" Malcolm accused, pointing his finger at Reese. Reese rolled his eyes as both Malcolm and I left to go to the kitchen. As per usual, Malcolm sat down with his family to eat breakfast, and I watched TV.

Minutes later, Reese came out and sat down at the table. His whole family stared dumbfounded by the appearance of their rough teen Reese.

"I took a shower! Is that a crime?" Reese yelled out. His family still stared at him.

"Is this gonna be a daily thing... cause we have a schedule we need to follow?" Lois asked.

"-Honey let me handle this," Hal interrupted, "son... are you on drugs?" Lois and Hal stared at Reese waiting for an answer.

Reese's face falls as he began to speak up. "No! It's just- Why doesn't everyone just leave me alone?" Reese shouted, hurriedly standing up from the table, leaving his breakfast to get cold. It was rare to see someone storm away from the table before they ate their meal.

I felt bad for Reese. He looked conflicted (clearly... he showered).

I followed Reese into his room. He tried to slam the door in my face, but I crept through before it broke my nose.

"What are you doing here? Go away!" Reese shouted, attempting to drag me towards the door by my upper arm. I, however, shock away his grip.

"Reese, what's wrong?" I stared into his eyes. Maybe hoping to find an answer. Most of the time, when Reese's mouth was not running and telling you everything you needed to know, his eyes were.

"Nothing, now, go away!" He realized I wasn't going to leave, so he made a bold stride towards the bathroom. I again leaped in front of a door and an aggressive Reese. I was his friend. I wasn't going to take no for an answer. I was going to figure him out.

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