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I stand in the cafeteria infront of Dustin and Mike, they look up at me pleadingly, Dustin speaks.

"Please Y/n! I really need you to sub for me on friday, I have a dentist appoinment but Eddie will kill us if we don't find a replacement."

I sigh,
"Are you serious," I look over at their table, looking at Eddie, who's being dramatic and waving his hands about frantically.
"He'd rip the heads off two innocent children?"

"Yes, and if you dont replace Dustin, our blood will be on your hands."
Mike says urgently.
I roll my eyes and sigh.
It's the first day of Senior year and these little twerps are already begging me to help with their dumb campaign.

"You're lucky Steve's my brother, otherwise I wouldnt be helping you little assholes. I hate Eddie."

"We know, and we'll make it up to you."
Dustin starts.

"We promise!"
Mike adds.

"Okay, fine. I need you guys to find me a book so I can refresh my memory, its been forever since I last played."

"Done. Thank you so much Y/n, you're a life saver."
They cheer loudly, earning the attention of others close by.

"Yeah yeah,you're causing a scene"
I look over at Eddie again, catching his eyes as he stares at me back with a neutral expression.
I roll my eyes and quickly break eye contact,
"Drop the book off at my locker after school, I'll talk to you guys later."
I pull on my headphones and unpause 'I fought the law' by The Clash and walk out of the cafeteria, deciding not to eat lunch.

I grab a pack of smokes and a lighter from my locker and dip out of a side door, avoiding teachers, I slip under the bleachers and light up the smoke, inhaling the thick cloud.
I let out a sigh of relief and tilt my head back, enjoying the tobacco.

"Well, well, look who we have here."

My head snaps up I immediately recognize the voice.

"What are you doing here?"
I glare at Eddie harshly.

"Came for a smoke, the evil empress remembers me, I see."
He smirks teasingly.

"How could I forget? I hate you Eddie."

"I hate you too."
He crosses his arms.

"My life's already a living hell, I don't need the freak making it worse."
His eyes darken, his expression hardening.

"Don't call me that."
He pushes the words through his gritted teeth.

"Or what? you're gonna rip my head off too? Just like you're threatening to do with the kids at your table?"


"I heard you telling them how sorry they'd be if they didn't find a sub. Do you have nothing better to do? Do you enjoy scaring defenseless children? Get a fucking life!"
I jab at him.

"Shut the fuck up y/n."
He growls, his dark eyebrows furrowing angrily.
I smirk, satisfied with my attempt at getting him wound up,

"Make me."
I push past him and stomp out my cigarette before exiting the bleachers.

After lunch I head to English, I get there a few minutes early so I can choose my seat.
I choose the one in the back corner of the class.
I sink down in my chair and turn up my walkman, which is now playing 'Ride the lightning' by Metallica.
The room quickly fills up, Miss O'donnell, for some reason keeps making kids move out of the spot beside me.

"That desk is reserved for a.. special student."
She rolls her eyes, by the way she says special I assume she means it in a bad way.
The minutes drag by and soon class starts, she makes us all get up and pick books for a book assignment.
After choosing mine, by random, I sink back down in my seat.
I guess the person beside me isn't coming today.
I shrug the thought off and begin writing down the instructions Miss O'donnell is nagging out.

Ten minutes into the class the door swings open, interupting our reading period. I dont look up, I cant be bothered to.
That is until Miss O'donnell speaks.

"Munson, gracing us with your presence today?"

My head snaps up, my jaw dropping in shock.
Fuck this.
I look around the room, noticing a few empty chairs, hopefully he'll sit in the one across the room, away from me.
Miss O'donnell pulls Eddie into the hall, giving me time to mentally prepare.
A few kids whisper among themselves.

"This is bullshit."
I mutter to myself.

"Tell me about it, y'know this is his 2nd time taking this class?"
The guy infront of me turns to look at me.

I smirk,
"Oh really? Sucks for him."

He nods,
"Yeah, he's a real freak, but it sounds to me like you know that already."

"I've heard. I believe it."
I smile at him.

"Well, if you ever need someone to tell him off for you.." he pauses and smiles at me, "I'd be honored."

"Thank you,"
I smile again, turning back to my work.
Eddie enters the room again, huffing angrily.
I watch in my periphrials as he storms towards me.
No, no, no.
He slumps down in the desk next to me, I look up at Miss, O'donnell, who doesnt say anything.
I raise my hand.

"Miss, can I please switch seats?"

"No, you've already picked where you're sitting, you stay there."

"But, theres empty sea-"

"End of disscusion."
She interupts rudely.

I internally groan as I slam my head down on my desk, beyond pissed off.

"Fancy meeting you here, princess."
Eddie leans over as he speaks and grins evilly.

"Shut the fuck up Munson."
I hiss at him.

"Make me."

I look over at him and his stupid fucking smirk.

"You look awfully proud for someone retaking a simple ass course, takes a special kind of dumbass to pull that one off."
I snap at him.

He glares at me and turns away.
The guy infront of me turns to look at me again.

"Looks like you've got it under control," he smirks.


"If you talked to me like that you wouldn't have to ask me to do anything twice."

"Would you like me to?"
I smirk at him, batting my lashes flirtagously.


"Talk to you like that."

He smirks, amused by my banter.

I lean forward and whisper in his ear, loud enough for Eddie to hear.
"You gotta earn it."

I watch as the guys face turns red and twists in embaressment, I glance over at Eddie who's clenching his hand around his pencil.

"Aweh, that easy to get you so worked up?"
I speak lowly, eyeing Eddie before turning back to the boy infront of me,

He blushes and turns back to the front, unsure of how to respond. I chuckle and lean back in my chair, glancing back over at Eddie, who's now clenching his jaw and gripping the edge of his desk, his knuckles turning white.

"Whats your deal?"
I whisper over to him.

He looks away, avoiding eye contact.

I roll my eyes and ignore him for the rest of class.

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