thats not something you need to thank me for

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"Well, well, y/n. Have a seat."
Jason gestures to a chair seated beside his table.
I hesitantly sit down, I mean I don't really have much of a choice.
I look over at Eddie who's eyes are fixed on Jason, his jaw clenched and his eyes darkened to an off black brown. The way his eyebrows furrow mixed with the way his face is twisted into a sour glare helps me feel a little calmer.

"So, y/n here, has decided she's better than my friend Christopher. Her ego is massive. Who thinks y/n is better than Christopher?"
He asks, the whole cafeteria is silent except the hellfire table.
They let out massive cheers and claps for me, including Eddie.
My face flushes red out of embarrassment.
Jason laughs.

"I hope you guys know you're making her case worse."
He points at hellfire.

"Who thinks Christopher is better than y/n?"
As hellfire goes silent the noise is carried over to the rest of the cafeteria, everyone cheers.

"So it's settled!"
Jason grins widely.

"Y/n's ego needs deflating. So, I have a little something to help with that."
He holds up my journal and waves it infront of my face.

"Look familiar y/n?"
Christopher joins Jason and stands beside him.

I glare at Jason.

"Let's have a look into the life of y/n!"

Jason starts reading, it starts off with me stating how stupid Journaling is and how I was being forced to by the school councilor.
Then it gets into me feeling alone, after my parents left me.
I feel tears pricking at my eyes, this is bullshit.

"Please just stop reading! I'll do anything."
I beg.

He of course, continues reading.
He reaches the multiple pages about my grandpa.
He reads out all the graphic details in there.
Then the exxon incident.

TW: mentions of physical and verbal abuse and suicide
"Tuesday september 17th 1985,
Today was the second day of senior year and it SUCKED.
Eddie Munson is in my english class and sits BESIDE ME!
I knew this year would suck but I didn't think it'd hit me in the balls like this, guess expecting the worst is gonna be a new normal.
I walked home from school today since Steve had work, it was raining and freezing and that asshole Munson splashed a puddle at me.
After getting home from school and attempting to relax my grandpa came home drunk and forced me to go to the store to get him beer and cigarettes.
I went to Exxon hoping Missy would be there but instead found out Eddie started working there.
Fuck my life.
He made me roll a stupid die to decide if he'd sell me beer or not and i rolled a 5, which he chose wasn't good enough.
I don't understand what I did to him to make him hate me, I'm rude to him because HE started bullying me last year.
To think I had a fucking crush on him before this all started, I wish I could go back and smack myself for falling for such a horrible person.
It's like he enjoys watching me suffer.
Anyways, I came home with a coke for my grandpa and tried to explain no one would sell to me and he just started yelling at me, calling me a disgraceful disappointment.
He told me I'm a disgusting whore who'll end up living on the streets sucking dick for change because I'm incapable of simple tasks.
I snapped back at him and he threw a fucking beer bottle at me.
Why doesn't anyone love me?
1985 is turning out to be the WORST year of my life, I just wish I could die.
Maybe everyone would be sorry for how they've treated me, or maybe I'd be doing them a favor, maybe someone would finally be happy and proud of my decisions.
Maybe, even if it was only because I was dead, someone would love me, or at least say something nice about me.
It sounds a lot better than the current events in my life.
I hate my grandpa, I hate Eddie Munson, and most of all, I hate myself. Wow y/n, that's very touching."
Jason jokes.

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