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After class I grab my bag and storm out, wasting no time to escape the eyes of Eddie.
My last classe goes by agonaisingly slow but alas, I can go home.
Dustin gives me the D&D book I requested and thanked me religously.
Releived, I leave the building.

I drag my feet down the cement street, the september air chilling my arms.
I watch as the clouds above overcast and darken the sky.
I knew I shouldve brought a stupid jacket.

I walk a few blocks before it starts raining
I have to walk half an hour in this shit.
I cross my arms, trying to perserve body heat.

20 minutes pass and I feel as if I'm turning purple, my lips trembling, my arms and legs shaking, the rain now relentlessly dumping on my head.
I keep my arms crossed, gripping at the wet fabric of my tshirt with my tingling fingers.

I then hear the rumbling of an engine behind me,
I keep trudging forward my head down.
Soon the vehicle zooms past, swerving towards me and crashing through a massive puddle, causing a wave to dump over my head.
My jaw drops in absolute shock and rage as I drop my arms to my sides, flinging them out angrily.

"What the fuck!?"

I look up and see Eddie in the driver seat, grinning as he slams on the breaks.
I feel my stomach churn with the look he gives me, a hole burning in my chest.
Eddie fuelling the rageful fire inside of me.

I yell at him, running towards the van, pissed beyond comprehension.
He chuckles at me, a stupid grin on his face.

"See you tomorrow y/n."

The way my name tumbles off his tongue makes me want to lunge through his stupid window and rip out his hair.
He looks at me in pure satisfaction and amusment as he peels away from the curb, splashing more water towards me.
I huff out my nose and continue marching home.

Fuming and soaking wet I rip the door open to my house, not realizing how much I was trembling until I got inside.

"What the fucks the matter with you?"

My brother, Steve, looks at me from the island in the kitchen.

"Fucking Munson! He splashed me! Look at my outfit! I'm fucking soaked, he's such an asshole!"
I slam my fists down on the counter angrily.

"Chill y/n, its not that big a deal."

"Chill? How could you tell me to chill when he's flying around in his stupid ass van, dry and warm! How am I supposed to be 'chill' when I walked 10 minutes soaking and freezing in the pouring rain. What about that is okay to you?!"
I snap and storm upstairs into the bathroom, slamming the door.

"Better drop the attitude before grandma and grandpa get home!"
Steve yells from downstairs.

"Stuff it!"
I immediatly yell back.
Steve and I live with our grandparents since our parents decided to abandon us and move to italy last year, fuckers.

I start the shower, peel off my wet clothes and hop in.
I lean my head back letting the hot water massage my scalp.
I look down at my feet, the water hits the back of my neck as I begin to softly cry, letting the water wash away the heavy emotions being carried with me all day.
I finish up my shower after lathering with soap and washing my hair with strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner.
I wrap a towel around myself and trudge to my room.
I pull on a pair of boxers and an oversized Black Sabbath shirt before flopping down on my bed.
I put on my walkman and put in my favorite Metallica tape.

Soon, without realizing I drift off to sleep, my arms stretched out above me.
finally relaxing and leaving behind my worries, carrying myself into a pleasent slumber.

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