Chapter 1

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After being woken up by the incessant knocking at the door, Nora slowly slouched out of bed and walked to the door of her hotel room.

As Nora rubbed her tired eyes while opening the door to face her older sister Trish, there was a sigh of relief as she saw her standing outside her door. "What could possibly be so important that you have to wake me up so early?"

While watching her sister adjust to the morning, Trish commented, "You promised last night that you would attend my match today, so I needed to wake you up."

"Trish, it is six o'clock in the morning!" Nora exclaimed as she glanced at the clock on her bedside table. She normally was up around nine or ten in the morning, so six was definitely way too early for her.

After that, Trish stated, "I'll be at the arena all day, so you will have to come with me. Get ready to meet me downstairs so we can go." She left to return to her own room. Despite being left alone at her door, Nora shut the door with a huff before making her way to her room to get ready. She disliked the fact that she was required to spend all day at the arena.


Upon exiting the elevator, Nora Rose utters the words "the things I do for my sister." She utters these words just before she hits someone hard enough to cause her to fall backwards, groaning as she glances at the individual she struck.

As soon as she recognized the individual, her eyes widened.

While he helped Nora get back on her feet, Jeff Hardy apologized for not paying attention while he was helping her. He sat with an expression of worry on his face as he asked, "Are you okay?"

As Jeff lifted Nora off the ground, she sheepishly murmured, "I was the one who ran into you." She gave him a smile and rubbed the back of her neck slightly embarrassed as she felt her cheeks heat up

Jeff said, "Let's call it even and admit that both of us were responsible for this." Nora supported him with a smile. "Ok." she replied with a smile, as she and Jeff began their walk to the lobby of the hotel.

"So where are you heading?" Jeff asked

"I am looking for my sister. You should already be familiar with her." Nora laughed as she explained to Jeff, "Trish Stratus is my sister. I am accompanying her to her match tonight." She flipped a glance at him, "I am Nora Stratus, but I go by Nora Rose."

"I remembered seeing you before, but I was not aware that you were Trish's sister. Nice to meet you," Jeff said with a smile.

"Very few people know that I am her younger sister. Most know me as the girl who goes to the ring with her." Nora said with a shrug

They were both enveloped in a comfortable silence as they made their way to the hotel lobby, silently observing one another.

Suddenly, Nora and Jeff heard a cheerful voice shouting, "Nora! Jeff! Over here!" Nora and Jeff turned to see Trish standing by the front door, watching as both of them approached her.

A small blush appeared on Nora's cheeks as Trish inquired what had taken so long. A smirk formed on Trish's lips as she looked at Nora.

"I ran into Jeff while exiting the elevator." Nora mumbled, causing Jeff to snort in response. "Quite literally," he responded.

In response, Trish explained to Nora, "Well, now that you are here, we can leave now." She then turned toward Jeff, "I have heard that Lita and Matt left this morning. If you wish to join us, please do." She added with a glance towards Nora.

In response, Jeff groaned as he followed the two sisters out of the hotel doors and said, "I knew they would not wait for me."

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