Chapter 4

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While walking through the door and closing it behind her, Trish asked Nora, "what took you so long? I thought you were right behind me."

A sheepish Nora replied, "Jeff stopped to speak with me." Trish regarded Nora with amusement.

"He did?" Trish asked with amusement. "He just wanted me to know he was glad nothing happened to me during your match," Nora replied shyly.

"Jeff has never gone out of his way to check on someone other than Lita or Matt." Trish said with a smirk.

"Especially since he had just met you this morning," she continued as she packed up all of her belongings.

In response to Trish's words, Nora looked down at her fingers, her cheeks blushing.

Trish smiled while watching her younger sister's face turn light pink. "Wanna watch Jeff's match?" she enquired.

Then quietly, Nora asked timidly, "Can we?" Trish responded with a teasing smile, "Yes, we can!"

One last smile is exchanged between the two sisters before they leave the locker room and head to the arena to watch Jeff and Matt's match.


As Nora and Trish sat in front of a monitor, they awaited the start of Jeff and Matt's match.

Immediately after the Hardy Boyz theme began playing, Nora's eyes were glued to the monitor's screen.

As Nora watched Jeff dance for his entrance, she smiled, causing Trish to giggle.

The moment Nora saw that Jeff and Matt would face Edge and Christian, she bit her lip and focused her attention on the match in front of her eyes.

The blow Edge delivered to Jeff, sending him sprawling on the ground, caused her to wince slightly.

In other words, this would be her reaction throughout the entire match, whether she was wincing or cheering on his efforts.

When Nora saw Edge was about to spear Jeff, her eyes widened. However, before Edge could do so, Jeff moved out of the way and caused Edge to run into one of the rings' poles.

During the final minutes of their match, Nora jumped out of her chair and cheered as Jeff Swanton bombed on Edge.

It was impossible not to smile at Nora's reaction to Jeff and Matt's victory over Edge and Christian. Trish laughed when she saw Nora sitting back down next to her after noticing how much attention her cheering had gained.

After Nora had calmed down from all her cheering, she watched as Jeff, Matt and Lita walked out of the arena. Nora glanced over at Trish who nodded her head in encouragement for Nora to go over and congratulate Jeff on his win. Getting up from the chair that she sat in, she smiled as she made her way to Jeff, calling out his name as she walked. As soon as she reached his side, she was overjoyed to say, "You did an incredible job!"

A wide smile spread across Jeff's face when he glanced at Nora. "You watched my match?" he asked happily.

"Trish suggested we come and watch you guys, and I am glad we did," Nora exclaimed proudly. "You should have seen her reaction throughout the entire match," Trish teased as she got to Nora's side.

In response to Nora's flustered reaction to Trish's words, Jeff let out a small chuckle. "She leapt out of her seat as soon as you did the Swanton Bomb on Edge." Trish continued to tease.

Upon hearing Trish's comment about Nora, Jeff got a bright smile on his face. He observed the girl trying to cover her face from the embarrassment she was experiencing.

"I am very grateful to you for your support and encouragement, Nora," Jeff said, which caused the girl to remove her face with her hands and glance up at him.

Her lips curled into a soft smile as she said, "You're welcome."

"Is there any chance we could get dinner together?" Jeff nervously blurted out a couple of moments later, which caused Nora to slightly widen her eyes at Jeff's question. She glanced over to Trish who mouthed a delighted, 'yes' before Nora glanced up again at Jeff. "I would like that," she shyly replied.

No doubt Jeff would have shouted in excitement if he had been able to do so, but he kept his cool and said, "cool, I have to shower, so I will meet you outside in about an hour?"

Nora glanced at Jeff and nodded her head, "Okay, I'll see you in an hour." She said as she and Jeff exchanged one last smile before walking away from each other.

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