Chapter 3

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"The contest will begin in one fall with our first contender, Trish Stratus from Toronto, Canada, escorted by Nora Rose." Nora heard Lilián announce the contest as she walked down the ramp and to the ring with her sister.

Nora never seemed to lose her nerves no matter how many times she went to the ring with Trish.

As if Trish could sense Nora's nerves, she whispered, "don't worry, everything will be okay." Nora sighed as they awaited the announcement of Trish's opponent.

"Molly Holly will be her opponent," Liliàn announced in a loud voice. Nora moved to the corner of the ring where her sister would stand. Nora bit her lip as she concentrated on the ring in front of her.

Suddenly, Nora, forgetting her nerves, blurted, "Come on Trish! You got this!" as she heard the bell ring.

Nora winced as Molly threw Trish onto the ring floor, causing her to yell, "Come on, Trish, beat her down!"

Nora cheered, clapping her hands together with great enthusiasm as Trish knocked Molly down on her back.

After Trish had continued to beat Molly, Molly suddenly rolled out of the ring right in front of Nora. She quickly glanced at Trish when Molly stood up and glanced at her.

In the blink of an eye, Trish reacted quickly, kicking Molly to the ground, grabbing her by the hair and striking her head against the commentator's table.

Afterwards Trish grabbed Molly and tossed her back into the ring, Molly began to fight back, and Nora winced when Trish took on Molly's beating before Trish could finish her.

When Nora learned that the referee had only counted to two when Molly pinned Trish, Nora began hitting the ring with her hand and urging Trish to fight back.

As Trish began to listen to what Nora was saying, she gradually stood up and began to defend herself.

While Molly struck Trish with the backbreaker, Nora looked away and cringed as she heard Trish scream out in pain.

The referee once again shouted out two when Trish kicked Molly's pin out, and Nora exhaled in relief.

Nora shouted encouragement for Trish as she struck the ring with her palm to encourage her.

Having kicked Molly in the head, Nora cheered when Trish was able to finally restrain Molly and pin her down for the win.

After the referee counted three, Nora swiftly entered the ring to celebrate Trish's victory.

"I had no doubt in my mind that you could do it!" Nora exclaimed as she embraced Trish. "It was no surprise that I would win because I had the most supportive support system behind me." Trish replied.

Nora and Trish giggled as they exited the ring and made their way to Trish's locker room.

"It was extremely nerve-racking to have Molly land so close to me," Nora recalled

"I will ensure that nothing bad happens to you, little sister," said Trish as she pulled Nora to her side and smiled.

In the light of Trish's comments, Nora smiled and told her, "I count on it."


Nora released an expression of relief as soon as she and Trish reached the locker room Trish used that night.

It was before Nora could follow Trish into the locker room that she heard someone call her name, which caused her to turn around and see Jeff approaching her.

The moment Jeff reached Nora's side, he said, "Hey, I was watching Trish's match and I am pleased to see that she was able to prevent Molly from doing anything."

Jeff's comment made Nora smile. "Same, it was really nerve-racking."

As he gazed down at Nora, Jeff smiled, "well at least you have someone looking out for you." he grinned to himself as he looked into her eyes.

In response to Jeff's gaze, Nora looked away shyly.

Before either of them could comment, they both heard someone call Jeff's name, causing them to look over and see the other two members of Team Xtreme approaching.

In the immediate aftermath of Matt and Lita reaching Nora and Jeff, Matt spoke up, "Jeff, we have a match scheduled next, let's get going."

Taking a deep breath, Jeff looked at Nora. "Good luck with your match, Jeff," she said shyly, before carrying on. "I'll see you later," she added, before making her way to Trish's locker room.

Upon seeing Nora enter the locker room, Jeff sarcastically commented, "Perfect timing." before walking away.

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