Chapter 6

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As Nora slowly awoke the following morning, she slowly opened her eyes, blinking several times before she could smile a small smile, while thoughts of the events of the previous night floated through her mind, she smiled softly, as she thought about what had happened the night before.

Once she had gotten out of bed, she walked into the bathroom to prepare for the long day of travel they would have to endure in order to reach their new destination.

The next thing Nora did after showering and putting on her daily clothes for the day was to pack the suitcases she had been living in for the past two years.

In the process of zipping up her last suitcase, she heard a knock at the door of her hotel room. She stumbled over to the door and opened it to find Trish standing there with her bags. "Are you ready to leave?" Trish tiredly asked.

Although her face was exhausted, Nora nodded her head, "just have to grab my bags, I'll meet you at the lobby." she said as she gestured over her shoulder, "Okay, I'll meet you there." Trisch left for the elevator with a tired smile on his face.

As soon as she saw Trish had successfully entered the elevator, she scanned her room to make sure she had not left anything behind before leaving.

Upon reaching the elevator, she pushed down frantically. When the elevator doors opened, a tired Jeff Hardy stood in front of her, and in a soft voice Nora greeted Jeff gently as she entered the elevator. "Good morning, Jeff," she said gently to him. "Good morning Nora." Jeff echoed tiredly in response. Nora teasingly said to Jeff, "Someone's not an early riser." There was a quiet giggle when the elevator doors closed.

"Definitely not," Jeff smiled tiredly and said, "how'd you sleep?" Jeff asked, "best sleep in a long time." Nora admitted as she looked over at Jeff, "How'd you sleep?" she asked, "really well." Jeff replied.

They smiled before the elevator doors opened into the lobby. Nora asked Jeff if he was prepared for their long journey as they exited the elevator. When Jeff shook his head, he replied, "Hell no." He said, before Nora giggled loudly in response, "don't worry, I feel the same way." Nora added.

In fact, even before Nora had a chance to say anything else, she had already spotted Trish standing tiredly by the front desk. Therefore, they made their way over to Trish to check out. Following checking out of their hotel rooms, they left the hotel and headed towards the rental car line that was waiting for them.

Taking a closer look at them, Nora became amused as Jeff teased Trish with the question, "you riding with us again?" Jeff responded with a tired chuckle. After watching the two tease each other, Nora finally spoke up about them having to leave. She left them and got into the first rental car that she saw. Jeff and Trish looked at each other before they quickly followed her.


When they arrived at the airport, they got out of the car and walked through the airport to check their luggage, pass through security, and finally reach the gate.

In spite of her fatigue, Nora sat down at their gate on the first available seat. "I am not prepared for this three-hour flight."she whined out to Trish and Jeff.

Trish leaned into Nora's shoulder and whispered, "You and I both little sister." "For me this will be the longest flight in my life since Matt and Lita got together." Jeff groaned.

Nora whispered, "that's gonna be rough," as she listened to Jeff's words, "speaking of the devils, they shall appear." Jeff answered as Matt and Lita approached.

Upon reaching where they were sitting, they immediately sat down next to him. "Good morning guys," they both said before conversing with Jeff for a few minutes.

Seeing that Lita and Matt were capturing Jeff's attention, Trish whispered to Nora, "What happened last night?"

As she recalled what had happened the previous night, Nora sheepishly replied, "We went to a diner and caught up for a couple of hours before being asked to leave because the diner was closed."

Trish chuckled as she asked, "How was the drive?" "At first, I was nervous, but then we started talking about how I became interested in traveling with you and how I attended art school," said Nora.

Trish's face lit up at the thought that Nora was finally opening up to someone who was not herself. She told Nora, "I'm glad you had fun."

After Nora admitted that there was no reason for her to be nervous, Trish shook her head, adding, "I told you so." They both laughed at Nora's admission.

In response to their laughter, Jeff turned away from both Lita and Matt and asked, "Would you like to share with the class what you two are laughing about?"

While looking down at Nora, Jeff displayed a faint smile, which caused Nora's cheeks to lighten a shade of pink as she replied timidly, "we were just talking about how last night went," prompting Jeff to display a smug smile in return, "Oh yeah? How was last night?" As Jeff looked down at Nora, he asked.

"I think it turned out really well," Nora squeaked out, which caused Jeff to let out a laugh at how shy she was. He smiled as he said, "I'm happy it turned out really well." Nora twitched shyly as she glanced away from Jeff and back to Trish who was giggling at the thought of her younger sister being timid.

After a few moments of staring at Nora, Jeff turned his attention back to Lita and Matt, who were shaking their heads at Jeff with slight smiles on their faces.

Following an hour of talking and joking, they finally heard the flight announcement. They slowly rose from their seats and started boarding the aircraft.

As Nora sat on her seat, she let out a sigh, and smiled at Jeff who walked by, "See you in the next three hours," Nora said with a playful tone. Jeff laughed, saying, "See you in about three hours." As he sat down a few aisles back, Nora smiled before she rested her head on Trish's shoulder and closed her eyes. Nora thought to herself, as the plane began to take off, that this was going to be a long flight.

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