Chapter 2

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It was not a long drive from the hotel to the arena

As Nora followed Trish and Jeff out of the car and into the arena, she was joined by a few others who followed them as they walked quickly to the back.

Suddenly, the three of them heard a voice behind them saying, "Hey Jeff, sorry about leaving you behind this morning. My apologies." The voice of Matt Hardy walked up behind them and turned the three of them around to see him with Lita.

Taking a glance at the two sisters on the other side of Jeff, he gestured to them, "don't worry, man; I ran into them and they offered me a ride.

Nora smiled lightheartedly as she glanced at the two other members of Team Xtreme, "Thanks Trish, we were contacted this morning regarding our match tonight." Matt replied.

Trish smirked as she gestured towards Nora as she spoke, "It's no problem. Without Nora here, Jeff would probably not have had a ride here."

In a joking manner, Jeff stated, "There is nothing better than running into someone as they exit an elevator."

She narrowed her gaze as she looked at Jeff. "If I recall correctly, someone once suggested we call it even and concede that both of us are at fault." Nora said jokingly.

As Trish, Lita, and Matt watched the two interact with one another, smirks formed on their faces as they watched the interaction.

"I am not sure if it is rude, but Trish, how do you know Nora?" Lita asked as she gestured toward the girl who was huffing at the younger Hardy.

She responded with a chuckle: "That's my younger sister." in a manner that surprised both Lita and Matt. "I didn't know you had a younger sister," replied Matt.

Nora shrugged as she shifted her gaze from Jeff to the three people standing opposite him. "Not many people do, but I don't mind," she said with a smile.

'I know you don't mind Nora, but now that you will be accompanying me more frequently, you will need to be aware of other people', Trish told her younger sister.

The members of Team Xtreme collectively nodded their heads in agreement; "Anyone can hurt you." Jeff said with a slight frown as he gazed at Nora.

A sigh escaped Nora's lips, and she rubbed her temples as she looked at the four of them. "I promise to be aware of my surroundings at all times," she said.

Following their departure from Team Xtreme, the two sisters said their goodbyes before making their way to their locker rooms.


As Nora stared down at her outfit, which consisted of a tight tank top and shorts, she exasperatedly muttered, "I can't believe you are making me wear this."

As soon as Trish heard Nora's comment, she laughed loudly. "Oh, stop complaining, you look fantastic." Trish said to Nora.

"Just because I'll be accompanying you to the ring does not mean I must wear this." Nora complained as she followed Trish out of the locker room.

With a wink, Trish said, "gotta put on a show for the audience."

Nora replied, "That's your job," as she crossed her arms across her chest.

While they continued along the hallway, Trish rolled her eyes at Nora's comment before jokingly adding, "perhaps you are able to attract someone's attention."

"Who would I try to attract the attention of?" Nora questioned in confusion.

As Trish said with a knowing look on her face, "I don't know. Perhaps a certain Hardy boy."

As a result of Trish's comment, Nora's eyes widen, "I just met Jeff Hardy this morning, so I do not believe it makes sense to try to catch his attention!" she exclaimed.

As they approach the arena entrance, Trish comments, "You never know how things will turn out."

Trish's music began playing before Nora could say another word. "Let's get this over with." Nora muttered to herself as she followed Trish

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