Chapter 7

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In response to the plane's arrival at their new destination, Nora exhaled a sigh of relief as it landed. Trish poked Nora with a smirk and then said, "Oh come on, Nora, it wasn't that bad," but Nora raised an eyebrow in response to Trish's comment, "okay miss, I'm gonna take up all the room and nap on my sister's shoulder the whole time." Nora responded sarcastically.

Trish rolled her eyes as Nora made her sarcastic remark, which was laughed at. "OK, Miss Sarcasm, let's meet up with the others to figure out where we're staying." Trish said as she helped Nora from the seat.

It was not long after Trish and Nora reached baggage claim that Nora felt her body crack when she stretched. "Are you okay, Nora?" a voice asked from behind her.

Nora glanced over her shoulder and saw Jeff standing behind her. "Trish slept on me the entire time, so when I attempted to move I got stuck." Nora grumbled as she turned to look at Jeff, who chuckled as he thought of the long flight he had endured to get here, saying, "at least you did not have to deal with Matt and Lita."

Nora shook her head at Jeff's comment and laughed out loud. "Yeah, I'm actually glad I didn't witness it," she confessed before gathering her belongings.

"I'm glad you did not see it either, that should never be seen by anyone." Jeff commented as he and Nora laughed before following Trish out of the airport.

During their walk toward one of the rental cars, Nora teased Jeff, "I assume you are saving yourself from Lita and Matt?" Jeff responded, "You know it," as the three of them loaded all their belongings into the rental car and departed together for the hotel that they were staying at.


The minute they pulled into the hotel Nora exhaled a sigh of relief. "I'm so ready to take a nap," Nora replied eagerly, causing Jeff and Trish to snort in amusement at her remark. "It won't be a long nap Nora," Trish told the girl who was daydreaming about the nap she was about to take.

In an attempt to resolve the situation, Nora looked at Trish puzzled and then asked, "why would this nap not last for a few hours?" Trish replied, "We need to make our way to the arena as soon as possible." Nora let out an audible groan of disappointment in response.

The groan of Nora was met with a chuckle from Jeff, who replied to Nora with a chuckle, "You could always take a nap in the dressing room when we get there," and Trish explained to Nora as they walked into the hotel, "Jeff is right, we're going to go over the matches that we have on Thursday and any storylines as well."

While Nora glanced at the two, she wondered, "do you think it is safe?" When Trish and Jeff were walking towards the elevator after checking into their rooms, there was a brief exchange between them before Jeff nodded as if he were having a quiet conversation with Trish, after which he turned back to Nora and said, "You should be fine, if not you can wait for one of us."

Having listened to Jeff's words, Nora nodded her head, "well, if you both think it will be safe, I do not need to worry." Nora replied to the two, as they got out on the floor, where all their hotel rooms are, and Nora unlocked her hotel room door, asking, "how much time do we have until we must leave?" The next hotel room to Nora's, Trish, replied, "We have approximately 30 minutes to unpack everything."

In an attempt to maintain her composure, Nora groaned loudly as she fell face first onto her hotel bed. Jeff leaned against Nora's hotel room door frame as he watched her fall face first. "You'll be getting a nap soon," Jeff said with a laugh.

As Nora sighed, she tossed over and gazed up at the ceiling. "I want to nap now," Nora whimpered. Jeff shook his head in reply, "It's a 45 minute drive, you can nap on the way there."

After sitting up in her bed, Nora looked over at Jeff who had crossed his arms as he stood in front of the doorframe and said, "Fine." He stepped away from the door frame and said, "Come on, let's get some food down in the lobby."

The smile on Nora's face spread across her face as Jeff uttered the word food. "Yeah, food sounds good to me," Nora replied as she climbed out of bed and walked over to Jeff, "So you are not tired anymore?" When Jeff teased Nora as she stepped into the elevator, Nora replied, "I am still tired, but when you mentioned food, I became hungry." Jeff laughed as the elevator doors closed.

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