Chapter 8

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As soon as Nora had gotten a quick lunch with Jeff at their hotel, Trish hurried Nora and Jeff into a rental car and drove them to the arena. Nora stretched sleepily, rubbing her tired eyes. "That the car ride seemed much shorter than 45 minutes." In response to Jeff's laughter, he gently took Nora by the hand and led her in the direction of the dressing rooms. "Come on Nora, I will take you to my, Matt's and Lita's dressing room."

In response to Trish's words "I'll come and find you later, okay?" Nora nodded her head, tiredly stating that she would be fine with whatever Trish had to say to her. "Come on sleepy head," Jeff laughed as he led Nora to his dressing room. As he continued to laugh, Nora followed Jeff into the dressing room only to stumble slightly and mutter a few slight curses under her breath shortly after.

As Nora stumbled around the dressing room after entering it, Jeff watched as she fell onto the sofa.

As Jeff began to put his things down, he asked, "Are you sure you are okay with waiting for Trish or me?" As she turned to face Jeff, Nora replied, "Yeah, you guys said that it would be safe."

As Jeff breathed deeply and nodded to Nora, he walked over to Nora, covered her with the throw blanket from the sofa, and whispered softly, "I'll see you later." before quietly leaving the dressing room.

Nora's small smile was all that remained on her face when she closed her eyes and let tiredness take over her body and she soon fell asleep.


Nora awoke to the sound of whispers surrounding her only after several seconds. She slowly opened her eyes and blinked a few times, so that her eyes could adjust to the new lighting.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." A voice whispered. Nora turned to notice Christian and Edge staring at her, and her eyes widened. Nora was suddenly filled with anxiety and sat up quickly on the sofa. "What the hell are you two doing here?" she asked.

Edge and Christian laughed together as they looked at each other for a moment, sitting on either side of Nora. "We opened a random door, and there was a beautiful girl sleeping," Edge said as he placed his arm around Nora. "We couldn't resist such an opportunity," Christian said with a chuckle as he placed an arm around her waist."

While Nora glanced down at their arms, she removed them. "I don't understand why you would open a random door to which you had no idea what it led to?" she asked as she stood up.

Upon looking down at the two, she crossed her arms and stared down at them, "You understand that this is the dressing room of Team Xtreme, don't you?" As she cocked an eyebrow at them, Christian and Edge exchanged looks before getting up. "Of course not, how would we know that?" Edge replied with a shrug.

Nora looked at the two with a deadpan expression as she stepped over to the door, and Christian replied, "There was no sign that indicated it was so marked," Nora replied. After opening the door, she pointed to the sign on the door that read 'Team Xtream'. "No sign, huh?" she inquired.

With a slight awkward chuckle, Edge asked, "So, why are you in here, then?" Christian replied, "Yeah, I do not understand." Nora responded, "Because I came with them." Nora did not specify who she came with, but merely stated, "Because I came with them." As Edge approached Nora, he asked her, "You, you came with Team Xtreme? Who are you, anyway?"

A nervous motion occurred from Nora as she moved away from Edge. "I am Nora," she said in a quiet voice. "Nora who?" Christian asked as he stepped closer to Nora.

Before Nora could respond, the dressing room door was opened, and she heard someone shout, "What the hell are you doing?"

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