Scared (4)

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Izuku is scared. He is so scared, he didn't know what to do. You know what makes him scared? It's lightning accompanied with thunder in a dark stormy night.

He is not actually scared of it before but the moment he got nightmares about walking on a dark forest all alone while it is raining very hard with thunders and lightning, he started getting scared of it. He didn't know when the nightmare started but it really took a toll on him. He remembered every details on his dream and he can't help but feel so frightened. Although Izuku got All Might's power or he is a hero-in-training, in his dreams/nightmares, he is just plain useless, quirkless deku. He can hear the people who tormented him in middle school. He can hear all their voices. He can hear all of their nasty words. It makes him tremble.

Although Izuku tries to move on from the past, he attended therapies so he can cope up to this nightmares and his past but it's still there. It still haunts him. It won't let him go. The ghost of the past keeps on lurking on his mind. They won't go away. Thats not just the only nightmare he got. He also keeps on seeing the scene where Shigaraki got him on a chokehold and almost all of his fingers were grazing his neck. In his nightmares, he sees himself getting disintegrated into thin particles of dust. That nightmare hunts him as well because in his dreams, they are not in the mall. They are in a very dark place that no one will help him even if he tried asking for it.

Now, he is alone in his dorm room. Trembling on his sleep. Another nightmare. Outside, it is raining very hard. Lightning and thunder strikes simultaneously. The darkness in his room is suffocating. The light that comes across only comes from the lightning that illuminates the room whenever it strikes.

Izuku continues to tremble. He is sweating despite of the cold weather. Suddenly, he sat up. His chest heaving hard. He is panting and crying. He clutch the fabric that is hiding his chest. He tried to steady his breathing and he finally succeeded after two minutes. He sighs. Another awful nightmare. A combination of both his most awful nightmares of all.

He looks at the clock and furrowed his brows because he can't see it from the darkness of his room. He is about to take his phone on his bedside table when suddenly, a sharp lightning illuminates the sky and a very loud thunder comes next. His body jolts and his mouth opens letting out a silent scream. His steady breathing becomes erratic once again.

He stumbles on his bed, searching for his blanket and when he felt it, he immediately hides his whole body inside his thick blanket. He is silently crying while his nightmares replays on his mind. He can't take this anymore. His breathing started to become more erratic until it becomes a full blown panic attack.

Izuku didn't know how many minutes or hours he is hiding under his blanket while having a panic attack. He just felt his body being cradled by something warm and comforting. There is a whisper on his ears. He can feel a warm hand caressing his cheeks, shoulders then the back of his head. Izuku felt safe that he finally calms down and he eventually falls asleep once again.

Katsuki jolts when he suddenly heard a loud thunder. He immediately jump out of bed and started running until he reach his door and immediately opens it. His destination, his boyfriend's dorm room. He knows that Izuku got phobia with thunder. He also knows about his nightmares. Heck, he even knows that Izuku have panic attacks whenever he is so scared. And Katsuki is right. The moment he was able to open Izuku's door with a spare-key, he saw his boyfriend hiding under his blanket. He immediately yank the blanket away and found Izuku having a panic attack.

He pull his boyfriend into an embrace and started caressing his face, shoulders and even his head while whispering sweet nothings into his ears. It took Katsuki almost fifteen minutes before he was able to get Izuku to calm down. He then cupped his boyfriend's cheeks that has still stain of tears. He is still cradling him on his arms. He didn't want to let him go yet. He needs to make sure that Izuku feels safe.

He then mentally cursed himself when he forgot to come to Izuku's dorm room. Well, he always visit Izuku every night.  He even sleeps beside him sometimes. He is just so tired after their training today that he didn't even wake up when his alarm goes off. He always sets an alarm because there are times that he is not sleeping on Izuku's dorm or if Izuku is not sleeping on his. He sets the alarm so he can wake up and check Izuku's condition if ever he got a nightmare again. He will then wake him up and talk to him all night just to calm him down and the two of them ended up sleeping on each other's embrace.

Izuku's nightmare does not happen often, it only happens occasionally and it is unpredictable. That's why Katsuki makes sure to always check on his boyfriend whenever they are not sleeping together.

One hour later, Izuku woke up with him still in Katsuki's arms and Katsuki is now sleeping soundly beside him. Izuku smiled. Kacchan is here. Kacchan save him again, like he always do. Kacchan is his hero as always.

"Thank you Kacchan." Izuku said in a hush voice. He then saw how Katsuki's lips formed into a small smile.

"You're very welcome nerd." Katsuki said in a raspy voice. Izuku's heart races when he heard Kacchan's voice.

"Kacchan saved me again. I love Kacchan so much. My hero." Izuku said then he giggled. The smile on Katsuki's face widens and he slowly open his eyes. The room is still slightly dark but the light coming from the lamp on the bedside table illuminates his features. Izuku find it very attractive.

"Yeah, cause I am a hero and I am amazing. What would you do without me huh?" Katsuki said while pinching Izuku's cheeks lightly.

"Aww~ Kacchan will be with me forever. I love you soooooo much." Izuku said then planted a quick kiss on Katsuki's lips.

"I love my nerd too. We should just sleep together always. Either we are in your dorm or on mine. As long as I can make sure that you won't have your nightmares anymore. We are also going to inform sensei so he knows. I am not forcing you. Just to make sure so that he won't scold us." Katsuki grumbled hugging Izuku tightly. Izuku hugging back as well.

"Okay we will do that." Izuku agrees. Katsuki smiled.

"Let's just think about telling sensei about it tomorrow. Let's sleep for now." Katsuki said then kissed Izuku on the forehead. Izuku hummed in response.

The couple falls asleep with a smile on their faces. That night, Izuku didn't get another nightmare again.


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