Chapter Twenty-Six

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  “She’s unbelievable!” The edge of the blade met a wooden board, slicing through a plant Professor Snape distributed. “She’s repulsive!” Ariella pulled the blade back as she watched Ambrosia shamelessly flirt with Draco knowing it made her crazy, although, she was upset because she knew that Ambrosia was just doing this to make her crazy, and to get back at Draco for separating her and Oliver. “When I get my hands on her, she’ll be,”

   “Dead.” Reese finished the sentence as he stood over the cauldron and stirred the concoction he and Ariella prepared.

  Ariella turned to face Reese who did nothing but smile; she was embarrassed by venting out her emotions to her new potions partner, who has been nothing but nice to her since the start of class. Ariella began to see that he was infamous for his one sided smile, when he smiled, Hufflepuff girls and a few others swooned when he did.

   “You got quite a temper, don’t you, Ariella?” He laughed as he followed the next step.

   “It’s Aw-ri-el-la, not Air-ri-el-la” Ariella corrected “But, have you noticed? I guess you don’t see a lot of girls vent their anger in America, do you? What are you doing here in England, anyway?” She couldn’t help but question.

   “One question at a time, and I’m sorry, Ariella.” He corrected himself as he let the pot simmer. “Well, not using knives, I’m still debating whether it’s safer to move or not, but believe it or not, there is such thing as anger in America. We’re not that different even if I’m from “across the pond.”” He placed air quotes around the term that meant overseas. “And well, parents got a job and I transferred, and I’m glad I did, I don’t have to restrain myself with the whole magic around non-magical people.” He laughed.

   “Muggles.” Ariella corrected him once again.

   “Bless you?” Reese looked at her strangely before he turned his attention towards the pot.

   “No, “Muggles” is a term used to describe non-magical people. I take it that you’re parents are muggles?”

   “And you’d be wrong, they play it off as a magic act, they’re magicians, top of their class too. It’s different with me because I can’t control it, so things tend to happen and well, parents got a job here in England, but my Mom is working at some Wizarding Government area, for the time being, and next thing you know, I get a letter from the Head honcho’ himself, Dumbledore.” He said casually.

  Reese intrigued Ariella; he was so different from her friends and anyone she has ever met, he was innocent to the Wizarding World and there was an overall down-to-earth vibe about him. He wasn’t easily provoked or offended and he was easy to talk to, plus Ariella enjoyed listening to his American terms and accent.

   “So, you’re new here?”

   “I’ve been here for four years, but because I’m American,” He said with a strong southern accent as emphasis before he relaxed his voice “The girls, they seem amazed by me, not that I’m complaining but I’m still trying to figure out this whole England lifestyle. I’ve managed.” He chuckled as he extinguished the flame underneath the pot.

   “You little-” Draco’s voice shot up in the air; everyone turned towards Draco who seemed flustered, Ariella was a little concerned yet Draco quickly recovered and remained cool, as Ambrosia sat by his side, with a devilish smirk across the room. If Ambrosia kept this up any longer, Ariella could have sworn Pansy Parkinson was about to lunge towards Ambrosia and completely knock her out; it would have been a sight to see.

   “Your sister, yeah, I feel sorry for you.” Reese blurted out.

   “Join the club; you’re not the only one.” Ariella admitted as she dragged a stool from under the table and slouched, placing the knife on the cutting board. “But, anyways, considering no one has given you a proper England greeting, how about whenever I’m free, I’ll help you with anything you need to know?” Ariella offered.

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