Chapter Twenty-Seven

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  “So, my luck is out on Fred and George, on the Brightside, I don’t have to do their chores.” Ron explained as the four met after the last class of the day. Ron explained that shortly towards the end of free period, Hermione, Ron and Harry caught Fred and George being sent to the Hospital Wing for hair removal since their aging potion failed and backfired, causing them to turn into mini-more hairy versions of Professor Dumbledore.

  They headed to the Great Hall where the champions representing the three schools will be chosen, Ariella wanted to see Cedric before the period ended but she never had a chance. When the four entered the Great Hall, the Hall was dark, only to be illuminated by the fire-lit lanterns hanging up on the wall. Everyone was excited; Ariella noticed the Slytherins and Durmstrang students prompted up at the left side of the Hall, the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors in the middle and finally, the Ravenclaws and the Beauxbaton girls on the opposite side of the Slytherins.

   “Have you gotten the chance to talk to Cedric yet?” Hermione asked as they walked over to the mix between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students.

   “Give it a rest, and no, I was too busy heading to Astronomy, you know how strict Professor Sinistra is.” Ariella reminded her of the Astronomy teacher as they took their seat.

   “That’s right, you took Astronomy! What is it you wanted to be again? Apparently, the Head of Houses is going to ask that during our Fifth year.” Hermione mentioned to the three.

  The easiest part of school was attending the classes, the difficult part was figuring out where those classes will take you after school. During the Fifth year, the Head of Houses would call each student of their house, individually, to discuss what N.E.W.Ts or O.W.Ls to take depending on what the student chose to become. For Ariella, she thought she’d just be an ordinary witch, working away at the Ministry like any other witch or wizard but, this was a new year for her, who’s not to say she decided on something else?

   “I don’t know. I’m interested in becoming an Auror or a Healer, though. Maybe even the Mistress of Magic?” Ariella laughed at her wild ambition.

   “Auror? What’s that?” Harry asked as he leaned in forward with his eyes fixated on Hermione and Ariella.

   “Professor Moody is an auror, well, ex-auror.” Ariella began to explain. “During the time of you-know-who, Aurors were the ones who got rid of the Death Eaters, captured them; they’re basically the Police of the Wizarding World.” Ariella related it into simple context for Harry to understand. Ariella noticed an intrigued look on Harry’s face, the more in-depth Ariella talked about Aurors.

   “Your attention please!” Professor Dumbledore yelled as he stood by a sapphire flamed goblet, it was the goblet where those eligible to compete placed their name, and when the day came to pick the champions, the goblet would shoot the name out of the cup. The Hall quickly silenced “Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the champion selection!” Quickly, Professor Dumbledore took no time to turn towards the cup and watch the sapphire fire burn a bright crimson red, a scorched paper shot out of the cup and landed in the palm of Professor Dumbledore’s hand; the anticipation everyone felt was thick in the air, not a breath was drawn and not a peep was made. Ron looked as if this event was causing him anxiety on the inside.

   “The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum!” Professor Dumbledore cried out. Instantly, the whole left side of the Hall roared in cheered, Ariella noticed Draco sitting beside Viktor, patting him on the back with congratulations. She also noticed Ron having the urge to stand up and clap to the heaven for his Quidditch idol. Professor Dumbledore congratulated Viktor as he walked up to the front, before being sent off into the back.

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