Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N - Before you read, I went back and changed Chapter 28 to the part where Harry mentions the task is "dragon related". I wanted to keep it a surprise from Hermione and Ariella; so in this part, Ariella and everyone else does not know what the first event is; except for Harry and the champions.


“Harry, don’t you think it’s time for you and Ron to forgive each other?” Ariella sat on a rock near the Black Lake, where she watched Harry with his wand, preparing for the first event that would take place tomorrow.

  After dealing with Hermione and Ron, Ariella thought it was best if everyone just had a moment to themselves, but Harry was an exception. She knew deep down, he was scared of what lies ahead for tomorrow, Harry was just too brave to ask for help and show that he was afraid. She watched as Harry performed the Summoning Charm she learned a few weeks ago, Harry was told the simpler the charm the better.

   “Come on, Harry. It’s been a month; you’re supposed to be best friends.”

  She watched as Harry summoned a rock, but before he could block the rock with a spell, he stepped out of the rock’s path and stared down at the moistened stone path under his feet. The rim of the water inches away from his feet, the smell of the lake brushing against Harry’s face with a gentle breeze

   “Best friends, huh?” He kicked a rock with his foot and walked over to Ariella, he sat on the grass beside the rock Ariella was sitting on and stared off into the horizon. “Some friend he turned out to be, doesn’t even believe me, he thinks I’m selfish and like everyone else, I bet he has a collection of those “Support Diggory, Potter Stinks” badges.”  Harry referred to the badges the Hufflepuff and Slytherin students produced a week after the champion selection; everyone in the Castle wore one, everyone except Hermione, Ginny, Neville, a few Beauxbaton girls, Ariella and even Cedric.

   “You know how Ron is…” Ariella tried to shed some light in his eyes but Harry looked up at Ariella with a look of foul play.

   “Because it’s Ron, I have to apologize? Why can’t he apologize to me? What did I do?” Harry pleaded for answers but they were all rhetorical questions. Harry felt cheated, he wondered if Ariella or Hermione ever bothered Ron to apologize to him; whenever Harry was alone with either Ariella or Hermione, one of them would slip out that Harry should just be the bigger man and apologize.

   “I didn’t mean it like that, Harry.”

   “What did you mean then?” He pulled himself off the ground and walked back over to the edge of the water with his wand clenched in his hand, he slipped the wand in between his fingers; it was a habit of Harry’s, one day, Harry might break his wand because of it.

   “He’s sensitive, Harry.” Harry scoffed at Ariella’s words but she wasn’t finished. “Will you listen? For God’s sake, you’re Harry Potter. Do you know what that means to Ron?” Ariella stood up and walked over to Harry with his back faced towards her.

   “He’s still not over it? He’s known me since first year.” He said softly as he stared off into the sun.

   “And that means the world to him, Harry, don’t you see? He can’t believe that someone like you is his best friend, and he’s scared Harry.”

   “Why should he be scared? He’s not the one risking his life; he wanted this more than me. If I could give it to him, I would.”

   “And he would want you right by his side if he was in your position, Harry. Ron’s scared because if you win, you’ll have the glory, you’ll have a better life; he thinks that one day, you’ll pack up and leave him. Leave him for something better.” Harry was speechless to Ariella’s words.

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