Chapter Six: Waking Up, No Memories

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This seems to be only a filler chapter, nothing major happens. thanks for reading though!!


Chapter Six: Waking Up, No Memories

I woke up that morning by a loud banging on the door, my head pounding and my face looking like death. Tyler grumbled as he sat up, my eyes would barely open but I managed to grab the bottle with the remaining water in it which Tyler gave me early this morning.

"Tyler its past eleven, you need to get up now honey" Tyler's Mom shouted through the door.

"I'm up" He said, his deep voice slightly deeper than usual for the fact that he had just woke up. His voice sent shivers down my spine.

"There's breakfast for you and your friend downstairs, Scarlett is watching TV and I need to pop into work because of an emergency. Can you go downstairs as soon as you can please?"

I looked over to Tyler, he just shrugged his shoulders before getting himself out of bed and passing me some pain relief tablets that he had on the top shelf. I hadn't noticed before but Tyler's room had many trophies, some from football, some from soccer, and some from karate. I'm guessing from when he was a kid. He didn't exactly look like he did Karate now.

I didn't remember half of what happened last night; all I did remember was alcohol, stares and inevitably more alcohol. I remembered drinking water sat up with Tyler and I remember sitting on the floor crying but I don't remember why.

I remember virtually nothing from driving home, all I did remember was Tyler singing along to a song that started playing on the radio. He actually had a good voice, and I was starting to wonder if he actually had any flaws other than the girls and the cheating.

I took the tablets that Tyler had given to me and I got out of his bed. Standing up, I felt slightly dizzy and my head was pounding but I managed to steady myself. As I started to walk, my lower back started hurting. I knew it was from what happened with Tyler's dog yesterday, but I wasn't afraid of the beautiful creature.

"Is it bruised?" I asked Tyler as I lifted his shirt up my back.

"Pretty much" He told me as he softly rubbed his thumb over my back; I shivered as his skin touched mine. He took the shirt and let it back down so my skin wasn't showing.

We left the room and made our way downstairs, Scarlett was fixated on the TV program which was playing and I was just following Tyler around like a lost sheep, I wasn't exactly used to being hung-over and in a house that I had only been in once before. Even if I had been in it a million times before, I still would feel this awkward. Makes it worse that it's a guys house.

"You plan on going home anytime soon?" Tyler asked as he made two bowls of ice cream.

"Ice cream?" I asked

"It's a Saturday, so why not?" He asked as my back started aching as I sat down on the bar stool at their kitchen island. My legs cold against the seat. "Sure. Why not" I smiled

Tyler passed me the bowl as I watched the TV screen from where I was sitting. "Good episode" I commented as the screen flashed to a break.

"You've watched this before?" Scarlett asked as she turned on her knees to face me. Her face lighting up as she talked to me.

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