Chapter Nine: Forgetting You

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Chapter Nine: Forgetting You

I had to admit to myself after last night, I have no luck. No luck with guys, Friends or family. Every guy that's seemingly in my life has something against me. My dad wants me to stay at home every night, my brother wants to leave me alone here and move to England. Tyler, well Tyler likes my friend... you think that's all the guys in my life. Well you're wrong. There's one more. Carl. He was my boyfriend for a while, a long while. I thought that he was someone that I would share my life with, I was fifteen for goodness sake. I, once again had lost all hope in guys.

Being cheated on isn't nice for anyone, but what made it worse was the fact that it was with one of my best friends. She knew what she was doing and she knew how much it hurt but she kept doing it. Sticking the knife in and twisting it as many times as she could until there wasn't any life in my eyes.

That's what Carl did, he cheated on me.

When I started dating him, he would bring me chocolates and little daisies that he picked from either of our gardens and that would make me smile, it was the little things as I've always said, he used to make me little cards which I ultimately still had. He wrote a poem and that he found a little stone at the seaside on his trip to England and wrote in permanent marker our names and that we would be together forever.

I got out of my bed and walked over to my closet where I kept my small box of memories, I opened it and there it was. Still as perfect as it was the day he gave it to me. I picked it up and moved my thumb over it getting rid of the small amount of dust that had appeared since I put it here a couple of years ago.

'Isla Esmee Sterling + Carl James Hudson = Forever'

I shook my head as I put it in the box and closed it; before I could put it away my doorbell rang. It couldn't be Tyler because he doesn't use my door; he decides to jump onto my balcony instead.

I made my way downstairs and opened the door; in front of me was the person who I hadn't expected. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you and to apologise" He told me before I shut my door in his face and lent myself up against the door.

He looked the same, black hair with green eyes. A lot older looking now which should be obvious seen as the last time he was stood on my porch at my doorway was when he picked me up for our last date a year ago. In fact he was wearing the same colours, a deep green t-shirt to match his eyes and black jeans to match his hair. It was his little tradition and by the looks of things, he still has it.

"Just let me explain" he mumbled through the glass pane. It seemed that many people wanted to talk to me through glass in the past two days.

I opened the door again, he was still there obviously but I didn't expect the other person stood there next to him. "Tyler what are you doing at my door?"

"Well I was going to attempt to climb up to your bedroom to see you but I saw... him at your door and I knew you would be down in a minute so I came to your door instead"

"I didn't mean at my door Tyler, I meant at my house, near me altogether" I responded

"Because I care about you, and we still need to talk after the other day"

"Carl I don't want to talk to you, not now, not ever so just leave okay. You cheated on me and I'm not going to sit here and act like I forgive your cheating sorry state of a mess. So its muchly appreciated if you leave us alone" I told him as I dragged Tyler inside and slammed the door.

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