Chapter Eight: Date Night Details

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I dedicated this to my friend because I was suppose to post this on his birthday but I didn't have a chance as I was too busy enjoying the day with him, its only short I agree but it's something and the next chapter will be longer, I hope. I've just got to find out how much I have to write and how much that I can write in the scene.

So Happy Seventeenth Reuben, I had a great day and I hope you did also. This as promised is for you, an extra birthday present. Sorry its so short and maybe a little sad x


Chapter Eight: Date Night Details

I wanted every detail from later tonight, I want Jessie and Iris' date to go perfectly but I wanted to know every single detail. I promised that I would tell Darcy what happened on the night of the party, well what happened that I remember. I might have to get Tyler over to help me remember because what I remember isn't exactly much.

"I don't think I can do this" Iris said as I started on her make-up for her date tonight, it had been long enough since he asked her but they had both been busy recently with commitments.

It had been a week since I got grounded and my parents hadn't really committed to their role in the whole thing as they're just trusted me to stick to the terms which I did because I'm the good girl.

Earlier this week Iris got a text in the middle of geometry telling her that Jessie was free this Saturday which is today and that he wondered if she was free. Which she would have rearranged any of the things that she did have going on to go on a date with Jessie.

So after our short excitement in Geometry which isn't often seen as its not an exiting subject we started planning as to what she would wear and what she could do with her hair and make-up, we were all exited for her and mostly everyone had heard about the date by now and they were all jealous.

So that's how we found ourselves here in my bedroom at 6pm on a Saturday night.

"So curled hair with a short black dress but not too short" Darcy said as Iris tried to explain with her on the laptop screen. Darcy was still as beautiful as she was a few years ago at camp. She has bright blonde hair down to her mid-back, absorbing blue eyes and has a body any girl would die for, to cut the story short... she was what mostly every girl dreamed of being. If it wasn't what every girl dreamed of, it certainly was what I dreamt of being. Her goal in life was to become a famous model which has the highest IQ out of all of them because she was going to do a modelling career on the side of her going to Stanford University. Medicine is what she wanted to do and that's what she would do, she's so smart and beautiful and she had the most strive for perfection.

Darcy was the person that would keep your secrets, she didn't do a bad thing in her life or she knew that she wouldn't get her place in Stanford and she needed to get her place there or she had no other options. She has to get there.

"Where are you planning on going after you graduate?" Darcy asked as I finished off Iris' makeup. "Honestly now, I don't know" I told her. I knew that would make her have a fit seen as her life was so perfectly mapped out.

Iris was nearly finished and Jessie would be picking her up from mine and dropping her back at hers seen as she got a ride to mine from Allie earlier. "Remember that you girls have to go around Isla's tomorrow and tell us ALL about the date okay?"

Iris nodded as a car pulled up outside. "Okay I'm panicking now" I grabbed my laptop, took it off charge and ran downstairs with it. "What are you doing Isla?" Darcy asked through the screen.

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