Ch. 11: My Love, I Cherish You

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I woke up, but I didn't open my eyes. I reached over to the side of the bed where Macaque was...and didn't feel him. I quickly started touching around the bed before I opened my eyes to look for myself. "Where is he?" I mumbled. I sat up and looked around. "Don't tell me..." 'this couldn't have possibly been a dream...I was awake last night when we talked...and cuddled on the grass...and we made love-' I pulled the covers back, and looked under the bed. 'I couldn't have been-' I felt my eyes sting as they teared up. "FUCK!" I yelled, punching through a pillow.

"Peaches?!-" I turned towards my doorway. "Babe, what the fuck are you doing?!" "Babe?-" I blushed, I started then looked at the pillow now on my arm. "Wukong what's wrong with you?" Macaque walked up to me and grabbed the pillow off of my arm and threw it aside. "I-I apologize, I thought I dreamt everything...that happened last night. You weren't right here so I thought-" Macaque kissed my lips, then backed away. "Peaches if that was true why would you be naked in bed by yourself?" He smirked. "I don't know- sometimes I sleep naked, I didn't think about it I was worried about what happened to you." I said pouting. "I'm making breakfast-" "BREAKFAST?!" I said no longer pouting.

Macaque nodded slowly, I reached for him like a child for him to pick me up. "Really?" He giggled. "Pweeeease~?" I teased. "If Mk seen you act like this he would be dying of laughter you know that?" He said picking me up and kissing me. I wrap my arms around his neck, so this is my life now. I'm dating Macaque, I've always wanted this. Macaque carried me to the kitchen and sat me on a chair. "And put some clothes on, your peach is showing~" he flirted, throwing some shorts at my face. "Hmp, I never complained about your plum bulging out of urs~" I flirted back. "It's simply because you like the view~ now I'm giving you a choice for breakfast today. I have peach oatmeal, toast, eggs, pancakes, noddles of course...they aren't as good as Pigsy's, but my recipe is still delicious in its own way." He said.

       "How long have you been up?" I said standing to put on the shorts. "A couple hours, I cleaned a little too." He said scrambling the eggs. "Awww Macaque, you would make such a good wife~" I teased. I grabbed him by the waist, and hugged him from behind. "Heh, you say that, but it's not happening're just such a slob I thought I would help you." He said. "What a bully~" I kissed his neck.  He hummed and smiled.  "I love you~" I whispered in his ears, rubbing his butt. "I love you too." He playfully whispered back. I giggled. "Why'd you say it like that?" I snickered. "Because you're trying to seduce me~" "Am nooot~" I whined rubbing my face on his back. "If you admit it you can dominate tonight~" he teased.

"Then yes I'm trying to seduce you." "That was fast~" he turned his head towards me. I kissed him, "Wukong I'm trying to cook-" "Nooooo I want attention~" "You're so clingy, baby." He said, turning the stove on low to keep the eggs warm. "Baby?-" I blushed mumbling.

"Do pet names make you flustered? How sweet~" he teased, pinching my cheeks. "No- shut up I'm not!" I said trying to calm my redness. "Oh yes you are~ it's ok Babe-" "SHHHHHH STAWWWP!" I said, trying to cover my face. Macaque started laughing hard, "hmp, fuck you!" I mumbled. "You would~" "I'm going to~ matter a fact I'm gonna do something that would shut your mouth!" I said. "Ooh~? What's that?"

I grab him and aggressively sit him on the couch and stand in front of him. "I'm sure you know~" I flirted. He blushed, but smirked. He pulled on my shorts "Shut me up then, my love~" he looked in my eyes. I smirked taking it out.

(No no no u horny fuck no smut in this chapter 😂...possibly the next...or possibly later in the chapter 👀)


     When I woke up I got dressed to go to MK's. I'm never really home because of how boring it is.  I heard the doorbell ring at the front. "I wonder who that could be?" I mumble to myself. MK wouldn't be coming over because I go over there...maybe it's Macaque?

          I open the door to see Redson with flowers. "Hello, dragon girl- I mean Mei. I brought you these, and I promise not to burn them this time..." Redson said blushing. "Awwww for me?!" I said taking them. "You're so cute when you're blushing~" I flirted. His hair lit a fire "Well-um- I-" "Do you wanna come in?" I asked smiling. "I'm sure, where are your parents?" He asked walking in. "They aren't here right now, Thai reminds me of those one memes when the girlfriend tells the boyfriend her parents aren't him and he runs over." I giggle. "I didn't know they were gone though...and what's the point of the meme?" "So they can do nasty things together while her parents are away~" I winked.

"OOH-oh....would you like to?" He asked blushing. "Only if you don't light my hair in fire." I joke. "I'm sure the suamahdi fire does that on its own." He jokes back. "Ha, forgot about that!" I giggled. I lean forward to give him a kiss. We kiss and make out a little bit then my phone rings.

        "Hello?" "HI MEI!" "noodleboooooyyy..." Redson said irritated. "Oh what we're you two up toooo~?" Mk said wiggling his eyebrows. "You know the usual sucking on tongues-" "MEI-" Redson yelled blushing. "I guess you're busy right now, I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to Monkey King's with me!" Mk said. "I still can-" "No it's fine you can have alone time with Redson! I'll train with him on my own." He smiled. "Ok if you say so!" I smiled back. "Bye noodleboy." "Bye MK!" "Byeeee!" He hangs up the phone with a smile. "Soo, where we're we~?" I said scooting closer to Redson.


        'I wonder what Monkey King is doing right now...if he ever told Macaque how he feels...ugh everyone is falling in love but me!' I pouted. 'I wanna feel loved and appreciated romantically by someone to, I can just never find the right person...or the time' I thought. I flew on my staff to Monkey Kings place. I smelt an amazing aroma, it smelt like food. "Is he cooking?...since when does he know how to cook..." I muttered.


        I snickered. "What's so funny, plum?" "You're apprentice, he can be really funny sometimes." I smiled. "Oh? what did he say?" Wukong asks "I won't telll youu~" I teased, poking his nose. "Oh you're gonna tell me~" he said, pouncing on top of me on the couch. "Whatchu gonna do about it, Wukong~" I flirt. He pinned my hands to the arm of the couch and kissed me forcing his tongue in my mouth. "Mhphm~" I moaned. 'So rough~, little does he know he's about to scare his adoptive kid for life.' I thought.   He moved his leg up to my crotch and moved his knee around. "Mmhm~" I lightly moaned.  My ear twitched when I heard the doorknob move. I think Wukong heard something as well-

    "AH-"  Suddenly I was pushed on the floor and he sat up and turned on the tv. The door opened revealing MK. "Hey Bud! What brings you here?" He smiled wiping his mouth. I growled from the floor. "Umm is Macaque ok?" "No-" "He's fine-" "BITCH-" "HUSH!"

       Wukong and I started bickering, I didn't notice MK go in the kitchen and help himself. "So who made all this food?" He interrupted. "Macaque did, he's really good at it!" Wukong smiled. I smiled "So, you guys seem to be getting along well." I smiled. "Yea we-" "We're a couple now." I smirked. Wukong sat there with his mouth gaped. "I WANTED TO TELL HIMM, you're such a slut!" "Only for you baby~" I wink. He blushed. "AWWWWWW!!" Mk shrieked throwing the food he was eating. "I just vacuumed this morning." I said irritated. "I'll clean it up- BUT IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!! You know Monkey King told he he loved you a couple weeks ago-" "MK!" Wukong yelled throwing his whole forearm at MK's mouth.

        He got embarrassed and started rambling at him to stop telling his business, but all I could do is smile. All this time I could've been with him...

      "Where's Mei?" I ask. "Oh she's with Redson!" Mk smiled. " you have a significant other?" I asked, curious. "No, I mean I don't have much time for that being Monkie Kid and all anyway-" "Oh so it's peaches fault-" "WHAT?? Ok you were doing so could with your attitude earlier-" "My mouth was full~" I replied.


'A relationship sounds nice...but I can't just disregard my training-' "Look, bud I don't want you to feel like you have to miss out on life just because of your training. You don't have should live the best life you have before it's gone." Monkey King said. "Yea, you're right. I don't have anyone that special in my life right now though." I said fiddling with my hair. "You don't have to rush, just don't stress about it kid. You don't have eternity, but you do have time." Macaque said putting his hand on my shoulder. I smiled and nodded. "Now clean this mess up." Macaque sternly said pointing to the food I thrown.

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