Ch. 21: My Puppy Love Is Killing Me

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    MK's POV

I put my helmet on at the back of Kolta's motorcycle. "What kind of liquor are we getting?" I asked. He turned down the music, and spoke. "I'm in the mood for you like dark liquor?" He asked, stepping on the gas once the light we were at turned green. "Well yea, I'm good with any kind separately." I said, With that we pulled up at the liquor store. "Alright then, you can wait on the motorcycle, and I'll go inside if you want?"

"Yea that's fine, I can wait here." I smiled, taking off my helmet.  He smiled and went into the building.  I waited for about 7 minutes before these couple of dudes walked out the store with a couple bottles. One made eye contact with me, and smirked. I awkwardly smiled back, praying to myself that they don't come towards me. My prayers were particularly answered since only that one dude came over to me instead of his whole friend group. I sighed through my nose not wanting to deal with anyone.

"Hey handsome, what're you doing on this motorcycle by yourself~?" "I'm with someone in the store..." I mumbled. "Oh really, that's not very nice of them to leave you out here like about you wait with me in my car~?" He smirked. "I-I'm good right here actually-um so-" "Aw c'mon it beats waiting in the cold doesn't it, love?" He said leaning on the motorcycle.

"Get...the my shit." Kolta said calmly. The guy jumped by his sudden appearance. "Oh so this is your bike? What's with leaving hot guys on the back of it in the dark?" He said sarcastically. "...Get away from him, and never call him love." Kolta said grabbing his collar, then putting him down. "Yea...whatever." The dude fast paced walked back to his car.

          "..." I sat there staring at him, I could feel blood rushing to my face. I've never seen him be that aggressive, I guess he wasn't really that aggressive but it was still news to me!

"Are you ok, Mk? I'm sorry I couldn't make it out earlier there was a long line in there. He didn't touch you did he?" He asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. "No, I-I'm fine." I stuttered. "You sure?" "Mhmm!" I nodded aggressively. Little did he know that energy made me wanna jump on him, right here and now. "Let's head back, could you hold this please?" He asked, handing me the bag. "Of course!" I responded. He put on his helmet, then we made our way back home.

          "Im really happy to hear I didn't scare you off." I smiled as we pulled up to Pigsy's.  "Of course not, you're just having feelings you weren't expecting. That's not something to be afraid of." He said taking off his helmet. I smiled, One thing I did realize though-

He never said I love you back.


           We walked into MK's place, he seemed just a little off to me. "Hey MK, are you alright?" I asked.

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