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"Arthur, when will you stop messing with this stuff?"

"You know what I'm trying to do, so why keep bothering me?"

"Because you get obsessed..."

I looked at Alfred, who only stared at me. I had been working on this project for the past few months, but he was bothered by it. I spent much of my time building this contraption that many believe is a false sense of hope. However, I was going to make a breakthrough.

What was a building?

Time Travel!

Well, a different type of travel already exists.

I was going to do what no one else had done before.

I worked day and night building this tiny piece. It involved quantum mechanics and small details that were too difficult to explain to Alfred. We worked together, but his profession involved business. It is difficult thing to explain who he is.

When I started working for this company, it was under his adoptive father, and I met him through the hiring process. At first, I did not know he was related to the owner, but he was. Then His father passed away, and he took up most of the duties with help. However, from when I started working here till now, we have gotten close. I was older than him; he was nineteen when I first met him, he is now twenty-three, and I was twenty-eight.

He did not know much of the specifics of what I did, but he was always interested in me and the work I did. I saw no harm in letting the kid watch me.

As I worked, he always sat in the same spot, watching me. "I do find it interesting, at least," He laughed. I nodded at him and continued to work on the device. It was a small device I would implant in my brain. The idea was if I could think of a time and place, I would be able to travel there. The French revolution? Yes! World War two, during the storming of Normandy? Yes!

It was going to change the world. Historically, we could see into the past like no other. Similar time travel devices were made. However, they could only go so far. Only far back as a year, but with my blueprints and tech skills, this would be a success.

I used an old pocket watch as the center that would send signals to the piece in my brain. Implants were typical, people could implant memories and data, and everything was technical. I was going to test it on myself first. I was nearly finished with it; I never told Alfred.

"Shouldn't you be doing something else?" I asked. "No...not really...I like watching you," He spoke. I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. "Okay then..." I spoke. I continued to work, and he began to look over my shoulder. It was starting to get annoying the longer he stood behind me. I took a deep breath and turned to look at him. "How about you come back tomorrow? It should be done by then. I need to focus," I spoke.

"Oh? Really?! Okay!" He laughed. I lifted an eyebrow, smiling at him, and he began to gather his things. "Thank you," I smiled.

"I will leave, but I will be salty about it...It isn't fair that I have to leave, but you still watch Jeopardy in the background," He spoke. I laughed at what he said, shaking my head. "I like the interesting facts," I laughed. I looked at the tv that was playing the show quietly. "That show stopped playing like twenty years ago; you are obsessed," He laughed. "Yeah, Yeah, just leave me be, child," I laughed.

He began to leave, and I shook my head. "What a child," I whispered.

I continued to work once he left. If I finished it tonight, I could test it out.

~ 8 hours later~

"I DID IT! I CAN NOT BELIEVE I FINISHED IT!" I jumped from my seat and held the device in the air. There was no time to waste! I needed to test it out.

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