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As I walked through the portal again, I moved through it much more smoother. Walking through, I knew I was in the same spot but at a different time. I could tell it was the future from 1890, but it was not 2100, not even close.

"HEY, YOU!" A familiar voice yelled. I jumped at the shout and turned around. By now, the portal had closed, and I was able to see that man again. "Godsake! You again? What do you want?" He approached me angrily, and I watched as he took off his glove, slapping me across the face with it.

I held my cheek, shocked, and felt pissed. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I yelled. "FOR LEAVING AND NOT COMING BACK!" He yelled, shoving me. I crossed my arms and glared. "Leave me alone already! I don't know why you keep bothering me!"

"You are the one that kept yelling and pointing at me; now you keep following me around!" He spoke. "Yeah! I can't control it! What year is it anyway?" I asked. He huffed out, annoyed, crossing his arms. He looked as if he did not want to tell me. "Yeah, some inventor you are...can't even tell what time you are in and can't control where you go," he spoke.

"It broke when I ran into you! Not my fault!"

"That is definitely your fault!"

"ANYWAY!...when am I?"

He shook his head at me and breathed out deeply. "1904..." he spoke.


That isn't too far into the future; I doubt they'd have anything I needed here. I had the parts, at least; I just needed tools to help me fix it. "Say...you wouldn't happen to have a toolbox, would you?" I asked. His face finally softened, and he looked away. "I do...come with me..." he spoke. However, he sounded stubborn as he said it. He suddenly grabbed my hand and began pulling me along. "You are an idiot, and I have to give you a piece of my mind," He spoke, irritated.

I quickly put the watch away, and I began to follow. "Do you have to grab my hand?" I asked, annoyed. "Yes, because If I don't, you will try and time travel again," He spoke, annoyed. I lifted an eyebrow, rolling my eyes. "Yes...because I want to get away from you, but you are everywhere...and I may not have an explanation for your existence, but I will figure it out," I spoke.


"Here we are!...you know...I have lived here for quite some time," He smiled. He placed his hands on his hips proudly as he showed me his basement full of all types of things. I began looking around at all his things, which made me smile. There wasn't much left from the past...most things did not last long anymore.

Yet here it was...

These objects were lost in time.

This is what I wanted my invention to be used for. To look back in time and study the people who came before. We could learn more about the time before and connect everyone together.

That's all I wanted.

"You seem really interested in my things when you have much cooler things..." Francis spoke. I looked at some of the photos that he had and smiled. It was fascinating to me.

"I may have cooler things, but you have history..." I spoke. I turned to look at him slowly, and he looked at me as if he did not understand. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Well...you are living through history and have seen so much, I'm sure...but things like this don't exist anymore. Ever since the creation of on-hand, there is no need for devices like these," I explained.  It was a bit sad to think about.

"Oh..." he spoke. He looked at the camera I stood near, and a smile grew across his face.

"When's the last time you had a picture copy of yourself?" he asked. It's been a long time. "A very long time," I spoke. The atmosphere changed suddenly as he smiled at me. "That's no good...someone like you needs to be photographed..." he expressed. I laughed a little at what he said.

Didn't he just slap me across the face with his glove? Now he speaks like this? Were people from his time always like this?

He reached his hand on the table and picked up this big heavy-looking camera. "Can I take your picture? If you leave all the time, I need to remember what you look like..."

"You do? And why's that?"

"Because you are annoying and cute, I must remember what you look like..."

"Is that so?" I spoke, annoyed.

"Ahh, maybe I might be lying about it a little bit."

"Oh really? Then why a photo?"

"I need dart practice..."

I tried holding back a smile. He made me laugh at what he said, and I wanted to hide it. "Fine then...maybe when I come by again, you will use my hole-filled picture as a reference," I spoke. He smiled at me and began to position the old-looking camera.

I stood by the wall and looked at the camera with a straight expression. "How about a smile?" He chirped. I forced a smile, showing my teeth with a blank expression, and he also looked like he was trying not to laugh. "This will take a second," He spoke. I nodded at him as he began to set everything up.

I began to mess with the ends of my sleeves, and he looked at me again. He stared at me for some time, and it was odd. His whole existence was confusing to me. "What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing...I am only admiring you, "He chuckled. I heard him take the photo, and my eyes widened as I stared at him. I was in so much shock that even my jaw dropped. "I can tell this photo will be great; I will save it forever," he laughed.

I shook my head at him and began to fix myself. "Where is that toolbox? I need to fix my watch already," I spoke. I rolled my eyes and began to look through his shelves for it. There might be a loose screw that needed tightening. He placed the camera light down on the table and began to laugh. "You have not told me much about who you are; I think I deserve an explanation," He spoke.

Hmmm, he was a little right about that.

"My name is Arthur...I met future you, and that is how I knew your name, but your existence is very confusing to me; I don't really know what to think of it," I explained.

"Arthur...well...my future self was lucky to hear your name...I will remember it forever...but what will you do now?" He asked. I sat at the table as he placed the toolbox in front of me. I began to go through it to see if there was anything I could use. I shook my head at him, and I still could not find anything.

Wait a minute...

Maybe if I try to time jump again, I could land a little more ahead; that way, it does not damage my watch anymore, and I might be able to find something in the near future. World War two had a bunch of different technology emerging; I think around that period should work. "How long will it take to fix the watch?" He asked.

"Well...realistically, if I stay...it will take forty years..." I spoke. His eyes widened as he caught on to what I said. Soon he began to glare at me, irritated. "You are leaving again, aren't you?" He asked. I nodded at him, and he crossed his arms, looking away. "Fine, but I won't try and look for you this time..."

Totally fine with me...


He will still be here in France during that time...

That is not good, and I can't tell him to leave.

I continued to look at him, and he tilted his head confused. "What is it?" He asked. I tried to smile at him, but I felt a bit worried thinking about it. "Nothing...but since you say you won't see me again, I hope you are careful..." I spoke. However, he still looked confused. I could not tell him. I stood up slowly and smiled a little.

He still looked angry at me. "I don't know why you care so much, but you will be fine...I promise," I spoke. I lifted my watch, looking at it hesitantly. I had to leave to get the tools I needed; I had no other choice. I will age eventually.

"Fine, leave already," He snapped. I nodded at him slowly and pressed the button. The portal opened up, and he still didn't look at me. "See you in the future, maybe..." I spoke. He only shooed me away instead of looking at me as I began to walk through.

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