Lutz/2p Germany part 1

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"Lutz.", he said and then hung up. Y/n looked down at her phone and wondered and hoped that she had heard wrong. Lutz was a lazy, pervert, slob who smelled badly. Y/n had always been utterly disgusted by him.

For the next alternated between glaring into the mirror at her 1p and plotting (name you hate)'s death, and trying to find out how to get out of this wedding. Then it came time for the flight to Netherlands for the 2p world meeting. The flight itself was fine and so was the taxi to the hotel but as soon she got there she heard the whispering and pointing from 2ps as she walked through hall to her room.

'That bastard must have already told.', she thought as turned the knob to her room. Once inside put her stuff away, took a shower, and changed her clothes into something more business like. The she proceeded to the conference room.

Y/n open the door to the meeting room. All eyes went to Y/n and she heard the whispering start again. She started searching for a seat and found only two open. One next to Belarus and one next to Lutz. She be-lined for the seat by Belarus. As she sat down she could clearly her that were in fact talking her, the baby, and the wedding.

She stood up again and loudly cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. Once everyone was looking at her again she loudly and clearly said, "I don't what exactly you were told but allow me clear up what exactly is going on. It's my 1p's fault. She got herself pregnant by Germany's 1p and has decided to marry him. Now I'm also pregnant and they are trying to force me to marry Lutz. I am going to find a way out of it though." Then she sat down she again.

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