Viktor/2p Russia part 3

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Y/n had been not a 2p, or if she were Belarus, he might have scared her. Instead just made her angry. She pushed him so she had some space. "There are some things we need to talk about. First off I'm not going to be marrying you. I going to find away out of it. Second if you insult my baby or treat it badly ever because it's not Belarus' child then I will be revoking any and custody or visitation.", she said.

Viktor looked incredibly amused. "It funny you zink you kan make demands of me. Ve arrre getting marrried bekause it what Belarrrus vants us to do. You and  baby belong to RRRussia now.", he said and laughed.

"I belong to fucking no one. You least of all, Douchebag. We are not getting married.", she yelled and made a growling sound. Viktor went to say something but the door to elevator opened on the first floor. Russia grabbed Y/n's arm and dragged her from the elevator. He raced out of the hotel and into the parking lot.

There Y/n spotted Belarus and Ukraine near a taxi. Viktor let go of her and Y/n continued walking towards the van. Everyone began climbing until there were 2 people out one seat left. Y/n was then grabbed and forced to sit on Viktors's lap. It was really uncomfortable for her.

The last 2 people climbed in and the doors closed the taxi driver took off. They spent the next 20 minutes in silence with Y/n wondering if jumping out of speeding car was a good idea. Then they arrived at restaurant and everyone climbed out of the cab and Viktor paid the driver while Y/n debated running away.

She decided against it. They walked inside the restaurant. Y/n took in a deep breathe and vomited onto the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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