Season 4 Chapter 9: Homecoming

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"...Ur-Urrrngh, hm? What?" Michael groaned as he groggily opened his eyes before flinching from the bright light glimmering over his pale face and then noticing that his arms and feet are tightly strapped to his bed. "W-What? Where am I?"

"Oh! Doctor! He's awake!" Says one masked healthcare assistant while checking on Michael Morbius' health over the monitor.

"Are you sure? If so, I'll have to notify the director immediately," The doctor in charge replied while looking over Michael with a heavy heart as if he knew him from somewhere.

"Notify me with what, doc?"

Entering the room with an intimidating aura and his most loyal agent Maria Hill, was none other than the commanding director of SHIELD, Director Nick Fury.

"D-Director Fury!?" The doctor and his assistant quickly greet their superior with salutes.

"At ease, I just wanted to check on our li'l "vampire" friend of ours. After all, we called you here since you also know him quite well, right doctor?" Nick replied.

"H-Huh? W-Who are you? Tell me! Where are we?!" Michael demands while struggling to break free in his currently normal condition.

"Calm down, bat boy, we mean you no harm. In fact, we are the reason that we could keep your "condition" under wraps without any trouble of disclosure to the public," Nick explained, walking up to Michael's bed.

"But this is no different from kidnapping me, isn't it!?" Michael barked back, still struggling while slowly trying to reawaken his inner mutate.

"Kidnapping is a strong word, Morbius," Nick pointed out, silencing Michael upon calling out his name. "Think of this as a relocation. We have better facilities that could aid you in controlling your abilities and your condition."

"And why should I put my trust in you?" Michael skeptically retorted.

"Because a friend of yours claimed to have suspected that you would have done the experiment that turned you into this mutated state, and offered to help us help you," Nick briefly explained as he glared at the doctor. "Doctor Nikos?"

With the director ordering him to show his face to Michael, silence filled the room as a sense of familiarity rose within the pale-faced patient.

"What... Emil !?" Michael exclaimed in shock.

"Mike, it has been a long time, old friend," The doctor named Emil Nikos, replied with a smile.

Meanwhile, in the house of the Stacy's, located at a humble neighborhood around Queens...

"...whew. Okay, c'mon, work with me..." Peter mutters anxiously as he slides what seems to be a blue-colored web cartridge into his web shooter before aiming at a dart board from a distance.

However, after he sees the chance and triggers his web shooter to shoot, the cartridge that was loaded instead bursted and turned into solid ice, rendering his web shooter unusable and heavy with a slight frostbite as it froze on his wrist.

"Gaaaaghooow! Owowowow, cold cold cold!" Peter screamed while frantically waving his freezing hand as if to lessen the tension in his wrist.

"What the—Peter! I thought we were supposed to test it out on a later date!" Gwen urged as she walked to Peter and wore the symbiote around her arm for the power to remove the frozen web shooter from his wrist with ease. "You said that it's still a prototype. Ugh, do you still have a spare, just in case?"

"Oh uh, about that, that was my "last" spare?" Peter nervously replied with a grin, shrugging his shoulders. "Hey, I never got the time and cash to make another."

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