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I remember that august day, it was the first day of freshman year and I walked into to find this really cute guy with the biggest brown eyes ive ever seen. You walked up to me and flicked your curly brown hair. You told me your name was Zach and you told me I was gorgeous. I had an insane smile, as you said. You asked for my number and later asked me to go see a movie that weekend with you. I of course, said yes. That night was perfect. It will forever be imbedded in my mind. From that night on, I was yours and you were mine. All through highschool, we were the couple everyone was jealous of. I was a cheerleader you were a football player. Everyone loved and envied us at the same time. Nothing could tear us apart.

 And here we  are on an august day, four years later, saying goodbye. You always dreamed of being In the army and you are now being sent overseas to fight for our country. Ive know this day would come for years now. Ive had time to prepare I guess you could say. But how can you even prepare to say goodbye to the love of your life.

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